CS Clark

We're in a scifi movie to Yavin
Can't fly out the way we flew in
So sneak out this glass of Flameout
And we'll go

She's going to change it to Leah Renminbi for the Chinese market.

No, Adam Sandler has friends.

To every Thing there is a season.

I dunno - Trump wants adulation more than material goods.

This fucking ad.

BOW! FINGER! The math does not add up!

I'm getting that mixed up with the look at one of the British Empire's greatest builders of tracks made with coral and seashells, Cecil Rhodes' Sessile Roads.

Pyschologists are like psychologists except they have no concept of irony, sarcasm or litotes. Also they can't prescribe drugs. And they can't see the irony of the situation.


I was saying Boo-urning Crusade…

They just want to find someone to whom they can say: "I like yew. Want to hang out at the beech?"

The children ruin their tights at midnight? … Of course! He means to blow up the Gotham Hydroelectric Plant!

He's at home - washing his tights!

- I see you finally made it out of the loony bin
- I'll thank you not to refer to Princeton in that way.

Mark Kirk isn't going to retract his retraction, and there's going to be more like him. And the general campaign has barely begun, the polls showing states suddenly in play (Hellooo! Utah) are just starting to trickle in, the propsects of losing Senate and maybe even House are getting less distant and there's now a

Really? Because it seems his inability to stop saying the things he says and instead merely think them is costing him money and elite support. Those still count, here and there.

Called Weather: 'Tis Nobler In The Mind

It can be obvious from your work what your own perspective is and your work can be even-handed. Does he noticeably distort or dishonestly edit what the non-liberal, non-Ken Burns view would be?

That's an academical question.