CS Clark

I don't think 'Life your life as if a vengeful billionaire will seek any opportunity to destroy you' actually helps people be their best selves.

::: a lone crow caws on a fencepost :::

They don't do it in secret. Plus there was dodgy shit with turning down settlements and structuring it in such a way that it couldn't be paid out of insurance.

Oh, my mistake. It's Clarence Darrow. Hey everyone! Check out the big legal brain on Clarence!

Peter? Is that you?

I'll try acting. That's a good trick!

Don't stop b

Well, I can respect your opinion. Sadly, I'm not good at rejection. I'm afraid you'll have to die!

It's a stew with lots of things… chicken… corn… green peppers… chili…. *sigh* onions…

When she brokers the deal that will allow Bernie to give his support to his party's presidential candidate in return for policy concessions they can call it the Warren Peace.

People who don't agree with you.

Are you speaking of the worm, or the spaghetti?

*imagines Internet imposion when faced with Lena Dunham dressed as Power Girl*

Bear in mind, however, that the average uncool human hasn't seen the sleazy billionaire version of Lex Luthor and still thinks that versions of Lex Luthor should be bald morons who can't do anything except focus on idiotic real estate swindles.

There's a lot in 5 that is decent. The rock climbing. The beans. The bourbon. The McCoy scene. The David Warner. But you're never going to get past the basic plot of Fat Kirk defeats Space Dr. Phil.

But for how long? Two minutes? Three minutes? Don't you feel that there is some arbitrary number of time units that a film can't exceed with its monkey shows before it becomes monkey boring and then you have to complain that they have too much monkey?

And if 2010: The Year We Make Contact had a ripped Ricardo Montalban Shakespeare it up in a submarine-movie-in-space against Roy Scheider people would have bitched that 2001: A Space Odyssey was all slow and boring, but it didn't and we didn't.

It's twue, it's twue.

This guy gets it.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture was good! Weird, but good! Nobody would say this if Khan wasn't so amazeballs.