CS Clark

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that appearing in any TV show based on the random sounds made by gas escaping from Gene Roddenberry's bloated, decaying corpse was not a sign of a healthy career.

It's mostly one way with me, but I did read Jane Eyre, The Woman in White and a lot of French literature (in translation) after having them heavily recommended by my SO.

Your mom sounds like she's very one-of-a-kind.

Thank you for your service.

I'd say they have a 50% success rate at the moment. And that's only because the bad guy in one of them had 'mind control' rather than 'life-leeching adamantium tentacles'.

What is it about TV adaptations that means they don't show their superheroes constantly using their superpowers in the flashiest, most awesome ways. Is it that the greater time in which to explore characterisation makes the use of superpowers superfluous? Or that the slow burn of plot makes the gradual reveal of

I thought it said Ghostwriter reboot.

*Writes spec script for Black Mirror in which a dystopian government deals with overpopulation by raising the suicide rate 20000% by replacing all television with constant reruns of Black Mirror.

I don't know if it really counts as a genre, but - non-3D (Western) animated films.

"Things like TPP … put her so below the bar of Obama"

Kind of an Easy Company tradition, getting shot in the ass

I see Brando more as a Great Depression.

Too soon.

Random by-elections aren't a good test, though, because it depends on the constituency. Keeping and increasing a majority in a solid red seat is an achievement, but it doesn't prove you can flip a marginal.

It's a mixed bag. He's winning where he doesn't need to win, and not winning where he does. He's not particularly good at, y'know, politics but his rivals in Labour are even worse, as well as being shitheels. And it doesn't help that too many people on both sides think internal party battles are both necessary and

I feel that any DKR references,even inadvertant ones, should come with a warning label given how much of it has been co-opted by redditpill-types.

Farting backwards is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine