CS Clark

Show me on the LMD where the mutant touched you.

Cyclops: One-Eyed Monster

Oh sure, take the high woad.

Earthsea is a masterpiece.

I saw Empire twice in the cinema, and I remember being disappointed the second time because it was in place of the film I really wanted to see, The Black Hole.

I don't even mean picking a moderate, and you're correct that what is considered moderate by Republican party standards is often not centrist. I just mean they could have surely found someone better suited to represent them. That they couldn't I'm afraid is probably more due to nobody with a political career brave

That'll be those Right-Toe Life people I keep hearing about.

One of the great things about being a parent is you get to revisit many things from your younger years without it being a self-indulgent nostaliga trip (well, maybe a little). Just finished reading Archer's Goon by the incredible Diana Wynne Jones, just away to start Swallows and Amazons, both for the second time

And yet, she took him apart on the whole trying to accuse a resepected federal judge of being biased because of his ethnic bias thing.

I think They could have done a better job picking a responsible, reasonable, non-evil conservative.

To wit, the Scottish royal standard.

I don't care if it's HD, plasma, 4k, retinal, whatever… you can't really enjoy implied spectral blowjobs on a television.

I'm not sure I like this gimmick of having all the main characters being male.

You've just had some kind of mushroom, and your mind is moving low.

Obviously I'm not going to apologise to Trump, because saying you don't like someone who was shot down and captured fighting in a war for your country that you personally didn't take part in because he was captured is the act of a human pusbubble. But I hereby unreservedly apologise to all those POWs who were never

He oswalded my cobblepots.

White Famous Black Star

IANAL, but I think Marvel having The Penguin as a bad guy might cause some problems.

Nothing says 'light-hearted romp' like millions of voices suddenly crying out in terror and then being suddenly silenced.

Trump got invited to the Rolling Thunder rally and treated as a hero
even though he's the only candidate who has made a public statement
saying he doesn't like POWs. The people he's reaching out to are not the ones that care, or know, about the narrative for the rest of the day on MSNBC.