CS Clark

That's because his real full name is 'Arsehole Chris Evans'. As in

Killed on the orders of Michelle Obama?

de ghostbusters non est disputandum

He was just in the news complaining that they wouldn't let him have his guns in prison. Really.

It's a Prince of Darkness type situation, where dreams are being sent back in time from a barren future to warn us of real-estate tycoons with delusions of godhood and weird shit going on with their hair.

I think a lot of that is due to its first season being concurrent with season 3 of Arrow, and anything would look good compared with that. And now Flash is all extra-judicial executionish, and it's up to Supergirl to be chipper.

It's been pretty uneven, but I don't think it gave up on optimism, just made it clear it it's a lot harder to do things than to want to do them.

'They're in Iron Heights' is the show's equivalent of 'living on a farm upstate.' Flash Fact.

This is the way the game ends
This is the way the game ends
This is the way the game ends
Not with a goal but a hooter.

These Morrisseys are small. The ones out there are far away.

True. In this comments section, for example, I am learning that people hate it when stand-up comedians talk about their love life - dating, marriage, relationships… no matter what part of romantic interpersonal relationships it involves, for some people it's just taboo. Who knew?

But we already knew that vengeful billionaires might do that. What we didn't know before now is that vengeful billionaires might do that supposedly on the behalf of other, better-liked people, in order to have a thin veneer of respectability to cover their acts of vengence. It's a valuable lesson.

Because he's pretty much useless until he reaches his final evolution, megaskrillizard.

It's skrillopuff's level 16 evolution.

Both sentences are, of course, out of copyright. But I would like Dan Brown to open his next book with "The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." because he might forget what he was doing and write Neuromancer.

A-ffirmative defense.

Why yes, that is the same Peter Thiel who, in 2009, wrote 'I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.'

Every time I listen to 'I Am The Mob' by Catatonia, I can't help but think it should have - must have - been the end song for an episode of The Sopranos. I can even tell you that the point it should jump to the actual credits is at 1:38 in the link above.

I would think it would be difficult to get 'homosexuality' mixed up with 'not getting paid.'