CS Clark

And yet many of their films seem to be written and directed by people who actively hate superheroes. Can't they find some apathetic people to take all the critical creative roles? Although, actually, I bet they did ask some and they got turned down because see the premise of the question.

And why doesn't Slimer dance anymore? Remember the Slimetusi?

The DC Comics Cycle of Rebirth is pretty interesting relevant to this… first the fans say they're bored, then DC resets the universe, then the fans complain until the new universe is changed to more closely resemble the Before Times.


I think this says it best

That was one of the weirdest endings in context to a film ever. It wasn't as if it was all Kung Fu Hustle-style comedy mass-murder and revenge up to that point.

The Third Man is what springs to mind. I could incoherently ramble on a lot about it, but you've either seen it or you need to go watch it now.


That's pretty impressive considering it's in Wales.

Are you and your wife actually Count Hasimir and Lady Margot Fenring?

Putting An American Carol in with Jack and Jill and Space Jam under 'Debatable Whether Great' is a pretty sick burn for a bunch of religious objectivists.

It's a fair point. If, in a film with two or more human beings, you don't actually see them bang they are possibly choosing abstinence. This theory is more colloquially referred to as Schrödinger's Pussy.

Will her best friends all morph, T-1000 style, into Judy Greer?

But to give credit where credit's due, I bet she made a great Rwgwgwarahhhhwwrggwrwrwachino.

He lied when he said if you like your bacta tank you'll be able to keep it!

You might think this is amusing, but I guarantee that in the future if you watch Patch Adams 2 you won't be laughing.

"Shows teenage fun without the use of drugs, alcohol or smoking, main character spends a lot of time with his girlfriend and possibly chooses abstinence. Hero also says, he is not socialist, and will never be socialist. Mocks public schools and liberal teaching."

Does Magna Carta mean nothing to you!? Did she die in vain!?

Hollywood values are characterized by decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. Such values have a very negative influence on the life of individuals, and very often lead

"The same basic physical laws of the universe that brought you gravitational time dilation and Die Hard present…"