CS Clark

"Catered by the same people who catered…

Shit, yeah, that's much better. Inspiration is always a worse sign than based on. 'Based on the book Push by Sapphire' v. 'Inspired by the book Push by Sapphire'? No contest.

Maybe, but at the same time it seems that there is a genre of 'streaming service quality drama' coming into existence. They might not share much on the face of it, but deeper down they have several things in common.

"From the producers of…" in advertising is one of the top-ten signs that the movie in question will suck.* I can't see how getting excited over someone being named as a producer is likely to be positive.

Probably not an obituary.

Hmdo hmdoo hmbe-hmdo-hmdo…

I was going to do a riff about mime based on/ripped off from Woody Allen's 'A Little Louder, Please' in Getting Even, but then I remembered we all hate him now.

I want a new drug - one that won't hurt my head

But he was one of the all-time great incompetent karate dog janitors.

It's a classic case of nothing getting done because there's always one group that benefits from at least one of the things that needs changing even while they want to change other things.

The Batman V Superman taco bowl wasn't actually too bad, but they really should have gone with a better slogan than 'Tell me… does your anus bleed? It will.'

Like everyone else, I assumed the name was referring to the main ingredient being semen.

Given what I've been told the super-secret message of Angry Birds is meant to be, is McDonalds suggesting we should eat immigrants?

I think you could argue they think they've learned some lessons - like what centrist politicians such as Obama do when in power - a little too well.

Ancient spirits of evil, transform this decayed form to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living!

It's almost as if running against the legacy of the retiring president even though he's a member of the same party as you isn't a great idea.

Martin Bashir didn't say that he wanted to shit in Sarah Palin's mouth! He quite calmy and rationally pointed out that if she thought the US having a national debt was the same thing as slavery maybe she should suffer some of the tortures that were forced on slaves, in order to help her realise the difference. Since

I did enjoy Jim Rash as R2-Dean-2's line read of "I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."

I like the one where Picard proves that Data is not responsible for the actions of his Trill host by showing that if you've never read the Bible, the Codes of Hammurabi and of Justinian, the Magna Carta, the United States Constitution, the Fundamental Declarations of the Martian colonies and the Statutes of Alpha III

If it's "according to J.J. Abrams" it'll make sense at first before devolving into a morass of bullshit, recrimination and, yes, lensflare.