CS Clark

Trademarks are the ones you can have problems with if you don't defend them. But when you're dealing with lucrative made-up worlds, what would otherwise just be copyrighted is trademarked to buggery. For further information, look at the back of any Star™ Wars™ Action™ Figure™ Character™ Pack™ such as Lando™, Han™,

Sorry man, the Romulan is cloakin'

Giving enough rope to hang themselves?

I swear it's JJ's only choice,
Throw up your hands and raise your voice!
What's it called?
Once again

The ring came off my prune juice can!

Were you sent here by the Horta?

Star Trek: First Rule of Acquisition

You'll be given plastic sporks!

You're off by three years.

Yes, if they raise money to pay themselves and others a salary/fee to make a film that they release for free?

If they were really bothered by the reaction of the fanbase they wouldn't have made the last two films.

And the next thing you know somebody will be claiming the $200 million they want to raise to make a Star Wars fan-film - $100 million of which will be explicitly for blow and hookers - is exactly the same thing as this thing because, as the old saying goes, give a nerd an inch and he will claim that it's actually a

Of course, of course.

- Ok, let's look in Ross Douchehat's book, uh he gave Donald Trump two-and-a-half stars… ooh, Winston Churchill barely edges it out with three stars.
- Look here, Franklin Roosevelt is superior only by one star.
- Ah, look, hey— Ross Asshat gave the same two-and-a-half stars to George Washington.
- von Metternich…

Wanting to secede?

Donald Trump! Donald Trump!
Donald Trump is really neat!
Donald Trump is filled with meat!
We've been voting Donald Trump!

In no particular order

Watching the real final season of Babylon 5 week-by-week was one of the most enjoyable things I've ever done. And sure a large part of that was due to them being forced to burn off two years of plot in one, but even if it was a sad accident it meant that more than any other show you didn't know what was going to

Watching The West Wing the first time round was a true pleasure, even the seasons after Sorkin Sorkined off. But to rewatch it knowing what happens, knowing all the wit, and with a better understanding of its flaws - which are much more apparent in a post Studio 60 on the Sunset Newsroom world is not logical. And yet.

Kim Cattrall, Kim Cattrall, Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim Cattrall. You were in Mannequin, and that was a really good movie… Kim Cattrall, Kim Cattrall, Kim Cattrall, Kim Caaaattraaaaaalll! Kim Cattrall, Kim Cattrall, Kim Cattrall, Kim Cattrall, Kim Cattrall, Kim Cattrall, Kim Kim Kim Cattrall. You've never made a bad film. Oh,