CS Clark

I think the real message is: the things you think are so important now are mere ephemera and you'll realise that if you bury them today and exhume them in a decade.

Yeah, those films really rummaged his artefacts.

I'm not saying it was fawning, and I'm not saying it wasn't, but in a Breitbart Radio News* interview Trump ally and professional ratfucker Roger Stone said "When Donald Trump is president, he should turn off [CNN's] FCC license." Sounds like a motive to me. Meanwhile, the Zuckerberg/Beck summit goes ahead. Will The

Crazy SilentSpy thinks there was point missing! Listen, pinhead - guy inherits money, has a few laughs, has relations with an opera singer and they make the best film of his life! It's the best film! And you think it's the worst? Sad!

Fringe, because I felt had been burned by JJ McAsshat too much and wasn't willing to take the risk again. And the thing is, if I had watched it on first broadcast I would have been as annoyed as I expected - watching it later, streaming/DVD rentaling it so that I wouldn't have to always wait a whole week between

You would think if anybody would know Stalin it would be Steele.

Joke's on you! Thanks to the size of the Texan school system, what fact-free propaganda is written for Texan younglings doesn't stay in Texas!

And that wasn't even his best cancer-related entertainment product, which would have to be Hawks, also starring Timothy Dalton.

I liked HIMYM right up until the point where I realised that I was expected to like the characters rather than think of them as Seinfeldian insufferable cocknuggets.

The X-Files

Really? Serious sophmore slump, I thought, especially at the start with its Extrajudicial-Killing-Of-The-Week format, and forgetting it was the fun one. And for god's sake, I know there's spin-offs but don't just drop the Rogue's Gallery. You wouldn't make a Batman TV show where every week instead of the Joker or

Come on downtown and stay with me tonight
I got a pocket full of kryptonite

It's almost as if you shouldn't expect detailed analysis from a website dedicated to providing 400 snarky words to go alongside a five-year-old YouTube clip.

They just want peace… peace… peace!

Father Slab BulkHead!

I don't know - Millar just tends towards hackiness (and he can be sufferable, even good, in small doses) whereas Ennis seems to be genuinely full of hate.

You don't understand anything, man. Leave your stupid comments in your pocket!

Doctor Who.

I bet Henry Fonda would have made a better Green Lantern as well.

The issue is that the vast majority of Labour MPs are talentless numpties who don't realise just how badly they broke Labour as a movement when they were in power by running against their own party. Also, that Britain is a deeply corrupt country, but because it's not actual brown paper bags of cash under the table