CS Clark

It's surpising if you think the loudest, most annoying Sanders supporters best represent his actual positions, or even know what his actual positions are.

"Sure, he may be a mass-murdering, mass-torturing, mass-raping parricide but at least he doesn't keep taking his clothes off."

"We don't mind you 'using your ice powers' honey, but do you have to use them so much? Maybe just try making an ice rink or two, instead of an entire castle in the mountains, that's all we're saying."

You do make a good point though, and I'm personally not sure how great a metaphor it is if her newly released sexuality is in danger of killing everyone.

Counterpoint: assholes are gonna ass no matter what, so you shouldn't let what they might do determine whether this is a good idea.

God Is Not Dead 3: No, But His Career Is

Let's just say it moved them… TO A PRIVATE SCHOOL!

As cool as that is, I always think the fact that Tolkien created Roverandom to comfort his son after he lost his toy dog is much cooler.

Haven't they already tried a 'Batman without Batman' TV show? Called Birds of Prey?

The Hobbit? But only if they fully commit to the whimsy instead of being embarrassed by it. Which they won't, so screw it.

As is often the case, she didn't need to keep up the pretence once it was no longer necessary to use a pseudonym, but didn't want to lose readers looking for the original fake author's name. See also: 'the Richard Bachman books', the New Testament.

They have been adapted before, yes? ||wikis|| Oh. So, between comments on the ideal Bertie Wooster and this, I am compelled to ask what people round here have against Ian Carmichael. I am also compelled to ask what the plural of miniseries should be.

I think you mean a case of America.

I got a woody on the traiiiil… I got a woody on the traaailll

I'm not sure Dan Brown 'watered down' what Eco was doing, unless you can make something into its complete philosophical opposite by adding water. Which you can, with fire, I guess, so… Anyway. Yes. If they had said 'Wow, that Dan Brown thing is raking in the moolah*, let's keep our eyes peeled for other novels

Foucault's Pendulum

You can find out if you read The Ballad of Halo Jones.

90s Marvel, and especially Marvel Mutants, are often associated with the unique comic - in both senses - stylings of one Robert 'Rob' Liefeld. He had many attributes, both bad and awful, and one of them was a hatred of drawing feet. The man hated feet. In many ways he was the anti-Tarantino. So he did what anyone who

- Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
- … will someone knit me a Christmas sweater?