CS Clark

Right. The latter. Good luck with that.

You do realise that when you stick a dollar sign in front of her name it doesn't actually help people take you seriously? I mean, if you're trying to convince people rather than virtue signalling.

It's ridiculous the way that McCain has been asking for an apology. It's like he's asking to be conned.

He's also - at best - a sucker for the sort of educational reform bullshit that's been pushed by our techno-overlords.

Well maybe the Republicans would have had better luck blocking Trump if he'd, y'know, got fewer votes than Cruz. Hindsight, eh?

The child is the father of the man
Can this be true? Well if it can
Then you're the son of Desperate Dan
And I'm a squashed banana

You see, Benevenstanciano? Philately will get you nowhere.

Volunteers is the source for one of the movie quotes I most often use in real life: "We all must do what we must do for if we do not what we must do will not get done."

They say millenials have it easy, but choosing between bears and dwarfs is something that previous generations never had to contend with.

Gen X was probably the last group of people to attempt to be bohemian, in the sense that they thought they could create their own culture, their own world, and live in that and not have to share it. But it turns out, whenever you have a lot of people interested in something, other people will try to make money off it,

*a single tear rolls down Jon Huntsman's cheek*

I'm not sure what shit Facebook is trying to pull here, but Mother's Day in the UK was two months ago, because we hold it on the fourth Sunday in Lent, like any civilised nation.

Have we completely discounted the possibility that Trump is only running to get back at Stewart? And that his first act as president will be to eat pizza with a fork live on TV?

ALL OTHER JOKERS: At least we shaved!

It's werid to remember, after a primary season in which the first Clinton administration has been portrayed as the most racist, warmongering, capitalist running dog presidency ever by Democrats (admittedly, some of them pretty newly-minted ones) that this was pretty much the case in 2000 as well.

I don't really want to say I have a favourite - I enjoy them mostly but then again I enjoy taco bowls and I wouldn't want to pick my favourite, or tweet a picture of it, or use it to insinuate that I and anyone else who enjoys taco bowls no matter how mediocre can't possibly be racist. I will say that I liked Thor so

That might be a bonus, since the core of Bond is overcompensating thug.

And Chelsea Dagger.

I think they should have stuck with Bobcat.

And by the way, people thought from an academic standpoint, and, asked rhetorically, people said that taco bowl was an unbelievable academic taco bowl! But of course not, and I said that afterwards.