CS Clark

something something Imperial presidency

Maybe she is, in some kind of Freaky Friday situation.

It's interesting that you would jump straight to this, skipping all the 'in a box, with a fox, in a boat, with a goat' stages.

Either ditch Firestorm or pay for special effects.

Yes. I know. What I was doing was making a joke based on the premise that 'played by Dane Cook' was not applying to the person who brands freedom fighters with a waffle iron, but to the kitchen appliance itself, and then adding that to the general disdain for Dane Cook and specific disdain for his acting skill to

If there's one thing you can say about Coates it's that he does his research. Doesn't mean that he'll be able, on his first try, to knock it out of the park when it comes to the bizarre thing of writing for an artist as an equal partner, but it won't be because he didn't try to figure it out first.

I don't think Dane Cook has the range to play a waffle iron.

World War [

Why did the chicken cross the road? Because our leaders are stupid! Sad!

I know, right! The next thing you know they'll be sticking zombies into the middle of adaptations of classic Regency novels about marriage.

More like Plan 9.

I would prefer not to.

I say we deal with him like we deal with radioactive waste, and dump him in the Irish Sea.

And they made him worse! He used to just be a dildo, and now he's a used dildo. This is why it's vital to set up a Twenty-Mile Ricky Gervais Exclusion Zone.

And commence with the Spinal Tap references in 3… 2…

$30 for a copy of the game is pretty good. Normally it would cost an arm and a leg.

He could suggest Trump's father was involved with the assassination of JFK.

He should comment less, smile more.

Something has to be the single greatest piece of art in your life, and I see no reason why Hamilton couldn't have supplanted Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj in Michelle Obama's.

What if two different reviewers bought exactly the same brand of word-of-the-day toilet paper? Ever think of that, Sherlock?