CS Clark

Whenever the military and industrial machines are meshed together it's complex.

I think that's what would have been good about keeping the original sides - they would have been on the side that felt more natural to them, so it would have more power when they criticised their own side.

Well, maybe that's what was happening where the dialogue is really terrible - rushed deadlines and too much space to fill in. Contrariwise, maybe it was rushed deadlines and not enough space to fit in what he wanted to say.

I really do hate that bit. The economic factors were also about slavery, smug Simpson writerdouches.

Which was the one where the artist drew it first, including the speech panels and bubbles, and Lee had to fill in the dialogue afterwards?

Why do you leave comments like you're running out of time?

The creatures outside looked from movie studio distributor to online distributor, and from online distributor to movie studio distributor, and from movie studio distributor to online distributor again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.

Why is this review illustrated with a picture of William Hurt whispering into Susan Sarandon's ear?

The Redshirts… and the Redskins? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nope.

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Penistry

"Mesa day startin pretty okee-day with a brisky morning munchy, then BOOM!"

I'm not saying that we should burn her. But I am saying that in the future she may be burned.

It can be two things.

Fuck you, this isn't Rankin/Bass! This! Is! Trumpton! Or possibly Camberwick Green!

Sure it sounds good, but pretty soon you're just trying a new burrito place every day instead of allowing yourself to have a relationship with a regular burrito place, not talking to your friends when you're out because you're too busy checking if there's any burrito places around and sometimes leaving a burrito place

Crapchat, Bumblr, PooTube, Shitbit, Angry Turds…

You know that urban legend about the hippy that drowned their baby in a bathtub of Mountain Dew?

Maketers! I knew it was them! Even when it was the bears, I knew it was them.

I thought it did well enough by the ladies given the subject matter.

I literally just listened to that for the first time yesterday, and my biggest takeaway was that as much as I enjoyed it and have already relistened to select songs* and have been singing as much as I can since then**, to see it live would completely blow me away. For that reason alone I hope they never film it in any