CS Clark

Guilty Remnant? That's a funny name. I'd have called 'em chuzzwazzers.

Well that explains a lot about many modern comedy specials.

pizza bagels?

I made $970,000 last year. How much'd you make? You see pal, that's who I am, and you're nothing. Nice guy? I don't give a shit. Good father? Fuck you! Go home and play with your kids. And now let's meet our second contestant, Jane from Wilmington, North Carolina.

Could be worse. Could be Adam Baldwin: "Same-sex marriage is as disgusting as a man marrying his _______."

"A ______ cartridge is used to simulate gunfire."

What's so bad about picking low-hanging fruit? If someone asked you to go get some apples and you didn't get the ones from the top of the tree would they spit in your face? It's not as if the high-hanging fruit isn't going to be there when you go back for more fruit, probably. I say, go for the low-hanging fruit

Rand Paul is neither appealing nor moderate simply because he occasionally makes libertarian noises.

Apparently he had to be persuaded to not give the speech from a balcony at his golf club.

The Empire Strikes Back

If Spike Milligan's war diaries are to be believed, having a sense of humour was the key - well, a key - to the Allies winning.

Arnold Rimmer may have been many things - a coward, a chicken soup vending machine repair man, Alexander the Great's Chief Eunuch - but he was no Nazi.

Wet Hot American Portrait of Dorian Gray

I feel like all alchemy is perforce mad. Otherwise it would be science.

DFW trademarked footnotes? So if I use a footnote for literary effect people are going to be thinking I'm imitating him when I'm really imitating Terry Pratchett?

"Welcome to The Exorcist Georgetown Steps Experience. We hope you enjoy your trip!"

It's a bit weird to compare this to actual TV show ratings since you don't multiply average audience by number of shows to get a grand total. Otherwise we'd be talking about how Jay Leno was watched by ::::maths:::: over 20 billion people.

It probably would surprise you how many people are genuinely not paying attention at this point. It shouldn't though, because for all the sound and fury of this primary season, and increased turnout in both races, at least 80% of eligible voters didn't care to take part.

During the first debate, yes.

It might be a bit late, for him to soften to expanding Medicare and maybe moving gradually over time to single-payer, after he's firmly planted in the minds of his worst followers that the only reason to not do this is whoreishness.