CS Clark

The book's quite good as well.

Given what people have said about him, it's arguable that Zack Snyder is both underappreciated and someone who makes lousy movies.

I was going to say this yesterday, but I'm pretty sure John McTiernan would be my answer to all questions, up to and including 'Which director do you think has the prettiest eyes?' And now I have to think of another. Thanks Obama!

Given his complete lack of understanding of the existence of such elements as plot, character, cinematography, theme and the proper use of voice-overs in a movie I don't think you can judge Coleman Francis on his skill as a director. It would be like criticising the diction of a talking dog.

Also because he's made some awful, awful films. Which he manages to make more watchable than any average director would manage, but still…

I think it's partly because for a lot of people the Spielberg they think of is the sci-fi and low-lying mist one, for others the blood and guts WWII one, so when either of those camps don't see what they expect from him that they think it must be too hard for him. Like making a calm, actor-led movie is somehow

The Devil's A Faux Cat

If his son became a god he would be a Deus Sex Machina.

Why does Hollywood insist on turning my worst nightmares into comedy vehicles?

I thought the Star Trek: TNG porn parody was called 'The Naked Now'.

Don't forget to use exit polls as evidence for voter fraud!

I just assumed that he was a ghost, a god, a man, a guru and that Finn was just one microscopic cog in his catastrophic plan, designed and directed by his red right hand.

I do agree with the general sentiment but, to be fair, my eldest's one-word review was "Predictable."

I think there should be a distinction between directors whose earlier work was and is genuinely great no matter what else has befallen them, and directors whose later work is so bad the badness travels back in a critical appreciation wormhole to make you think - whether this is deserved or not - that their earlier

There seems to be two distinct types of people when it comes to Gilliam's career: there's the ones who think he was great up to and including Brazil but lost it during the making of The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, and then there's the people who won't go to hell when they die.

John McTiernan. There's no way that someone who had such a perfect run - Predator, Die Hard, Red October - should have ended up bankrupt, incarcerated, out of work for more than a decade and credited as the director of Medicine Man.

After Adam Sandler's act, death doesn't seem so bad.

You would think Judge Dredd would go over very well in China.

I'm judge, jury and executioner, and also a doctor, gruddammit, not a washing-machine repairman!

Grud on a greenie, that A.V. Club review was drokkin' stomm. 20 years in an iso-cube for impersonating a critic, creep.