CS Clark

Peter Quims

He's the only US president whose last name is also now a popular girl's name. That's how history has dealt with his legacy.

Yes, it would be terrible for the US if it was still part of a country where one of the front-runners to become the next chief minister of state was a trust-fund buffoon with weird hair and dubious morals who is excused a variety of malapropisms, gaffes and plain bigotry for no reason other than entertainment value

He did, in his column for the Sun (because it's too déclassé for the Torygraph). Apparently President of the United States Barack Obama only agrees with British Prime Minister David 'Dave' Cameron because he hates Britain.

Now, that story about Stewart Lee isn't true. But I feel that it reveals the truth about Stuart Lee.

I feel so sorry for him.

Do I misremember, or did he really lay into a guy - as much as he does - once for doing that, because it doesn't add anything, and it messes up his rhythm

Well there you go. I didn't think it was so much him saying they seem trivial as they are trivial. Dismissive, like. And as a comedy bit, it was funny enough hearing it through his friend's perspective but if what you're saying is the correct interpretation then a little bit of introspection about how the next

It would still be better than Cars 2.

Those people who were with NBC. Weren't they just as devoted to what NBC considered good television as they are now to what we consider good television?

Eh, diminishing returns. The latest series of Comedy Vehicle was pretty weaksauce. I think it's time he moved on.

I wouldn't the weasley little squirt of dogpiss to think he was one of the big boys, is what I'm aiming at.

Actually the big twist is that when they need to get to the alien spacecraft to steal at the Bitcoins they call an Uber, which in this case is a spacecraft driven by one of the aliens trying to make some money in its spare time. The alien promptly takes them to the Execution Pit, and Uber refuses to take

—Major Force

To be fair, there's other comedians who milk it, and this one wasn't too bad compared with some others. All I remember of one his recent specials is, he came out (whoops), said where he was (cheers), gave a list of things he liked (yells), said some of the cool stuff that had happened to him in his life recently

I can take Patton or leave him alone, but I would quite happily decimate his audience. Whooping motherfuckers. His last couple of specials have been prime examples of how it can be detrimental when a comedian starts getting fans instead of an audience.

Having watched it now, I think people looking for a SJW/tumblr/intersectionality flame-on are going to be terribly disappointed that with 'evil motherfucking people' he's not referring to people getting a vicarious thrill playing Putdown Theatre but instead to people getting away with being actively hateful because

More specifically, I imagined Peter Serafinowicz taking five seconds to say "Fraaannnnn?"

It's true, a lot of the enjoyment was based around the way they managed to make semi-decent special effects on a shoestring budget.

Just the other day Maine governer and minor league asshole Paul LePage vetoed a bill that would increase acess to an overdose medication because the people whose lives would be saved would - according to him - just go ahead and overdose again, lulled into a sense of false security. So, one more reason to hope this