CS Clark

If you're thinking of famous eighteenth century British prime ministers, separate from their NFL franchise affiliations, Walpole is about as famous as the Pitts. Even though his status as a prime minister is questionable, he's normally seen as the first.

I would not mind if they would get around to making Buckaroo Banzai Against The World Crime League. In fact, just to sweeten the deal, I wouldn't even complain about the inevitable recasting.

The Master and Commander film series was definitely like a dog-watch, but if we're being honest wouldn't we prefer a prequel?

If there's one thing both sides in a smackdown like that hate, it's the person it's centred on learning from their mistakes, or even worse just toning it down. The offended are all YOUR APOLOGY IS NOT SUFFICIENT! GROVEL MORE! APOLOGISE EACH TIME YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH, EVEN IF IT'S JUST TO ORDER PIE, and the defenders

I'm gonna go watch this now, but let me tell you - if the setpiece turns out to be him spending 20 minutes trash-talking MLP then you can cancel the un-backlash. Or turn it into a re-backlash, either way.

The only problem I can see with casting a Welsh actor is that somebody might spell their name 'Ian' when it's 'Ioan', something which is pronounced quite differently.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Oh no, the dead have risen and they're remaking 70s TV shows into movies!

No… dirty yelling rednecks is not what I remember of The Lords of Salem. Mind you, I'm not sure I remember anything from that. Was there a dog?

Complete motion pictures are regularly uploaded to YouTube, usually in flagrant violation of copyright law? Uh, I don't think so. It normally clearly says in the description that the uploader does not 'own' the film. Sometimes even in full caps. Where the hell did you go to law school?

Yes, for the first time ever 'Break a leg' will be a positive thing to say to someone involved in the theatrical arts.

Upvoted for the sentiment, not the news itself.


Well it's more of a direct sequel than Repo Chick (which, ugh, did not realise existed), but yeah that's a good analogy, right up to and including the 'oh man, where did the director's career go?' parallels.

Gregory's Two Girls. Not because it's kind of creepy and has more references to actual torture than you would expect in a sequel to a coming-of-age romantic comedy, not because it killed off the Johngordonsinclairenaissance, not because it was Bill Forsyth's final film, but because you should never fuck with

After that great Verge piece the other day on the history of moderation I definitely wouldn't blame anyone actually working on something like that.

Well here's examples of the sort of issue that is being referred to…

Can we please not conflate the interests of a private, for-profit company that has shown no reluctance to completely shut down projects that it is no longer interested in with 'The Internet'?

I'm not particularly fond of that, for the reason that a trainwreck sounds like it was probably an engineering problem, whereas Google's Horrendous Metadata Kablooey is caused by them being uninterested in anything that isn't an engineering problem.

Of all possible books? I think that's only feasible if your Chief Librarian is called Lucien. Or goes 'ook' a lot.