CS Clark


No, but it will be the first one to be killed.

Oh well, in that case cheerfully withdraw… wait a second! That's just what a Cretan would say!

I agree, uh, to disagree.

Rear Widow


The A.V. Club

If your sloopy hangs on for more than the length of an episode of Futurama, consult your physician.

Mesdames, messieurs, dooo yew dair to shallenge The Klute at… Speed Chess!

I know that there's only, like, three tunes in all of music* but damned if I didn't listen to that and immediately think of The Mindbenders' 'Game of Love'

If you wish to make a wish you may swish for fish with my Ish wish dish.

Plus, Laff-a-Lympics.

Now I'm going back to reread for possible hidden meaning. Current leader is "I often felt like Tim had an idea of the movie in his head."

I know! If she's willing to call Mickey Rourke a tumour, what the hell did she bite her lip on?

I liked the first one in the bits where they stuck to the book, and specifically stuck to the whimsical aspects of the book. I can only assume those were the bits written before Peter Jackson got his malign hands all over it.

I was so bored I couldn't make it through The Avengers on my first try. And, to be clear, I don't mean the one in which Sean Connery dressed up as a giant teddy bear, which I prefer, because Sean Connery dresses up as a giant teddy bear.

How many people who think they're being edgy in completely dismissing Chaplin have picked that up from Preacher?

WordArt. I swear to God.

She did always seem on the verge of saying… she wouldn't really… she's very diplomatic.

It's cool. It was during one of his many Angelus periods.