CS Clark

Gene Simmons looks like Peggy Noonan cosplaying as Kim Hunter in Planet of the Apes.

Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god particle, you say yes.

Mark Gatiss is just appearing in it, not writing it.

Et tu, R2-D2?

I'm not saying that carrying around an empty Snapple bottle to urinate in is going to be the most popular solution, but there will be a lot of attendees offering Zack Snyder some peach tea.

Until this moment I never knew that the job title I always wanted - and which is now almost certainly forever out of my reach - was Wizard World COO.

They finally found something that guns can't protect them from - numbers.

Even then, the specific thing she's pointing out is that 'I'd vote for Warren' isn't really relevant if she's not running for president. They might not be sexist, there's plenty of reasons to not vote for Clinton in the primary, but that doesn't prove it.

Depends. What's the other two?

Sorry, I wasn't meaning 'not a joke' in the sense of it being anti-humour but in the sense that the sentiment of it becoming increasingly tiresome wasn't just there to be a joke. Mind you, he had other reasons beyond professional ennui.

What a world it would be if 'funnier than Adam Sandler films' was the bar that women had to clear.

Fair point. And there's plenty of experienced comics that don't go down that route because it doesn't interest them, and that doesn't make them all hacks. But I still thinks it takes more talent to get something out of nothing, and that for people who've perfected their craft they have to do something different, or

Pronunciation of Humagram: Hoomagram, Hyumagram or Hummagram?

It's a lot easier to play random notes on a keyboard than it is to play an uptempo four-chord song but that doesn't mean that the former is the same thing as a supremely talented jazz musician who is willing to push his audience to the very edge of dissonance before bringing it all back together.

Are we counting a man who is quite happy to spend five straight minutes imitating the sound of Rod Liddle trying to play a broken cassette on an old tape deck? I can't think why.

Isn't the genre technically "slightly fictionalized version of themselves"? A highly fictionalized version of Marc Maron would be able to fly and shoot laser beams out his eyes and would be Earth's last line of defence against the evil forces of General Destructonaut.

I can't believe that's not an Alan Parker, Urban Warrior joke.

Counterpoint: Any asshole can get a laugh by making a joke. It takes a real comedian to deliberately not make a joke and get the laugh anyway.

It's not so much the number of words as the number of times you have to reread them in order to play Hunt the Funny. I gave up at 5.

Sounds like this could have been so close to the X-Com TV series the world doesn't yet know it needs. The one where each week's latest recruits, replacing last week's dupes, have been named by Twitter. And the in-joke about selling Alien corpses on eBay for less than the cost of a family-sized barrel of lube. C'mon,