CS Clark

Is there any more unexpected assassination than that of Nicky Santoro in Casino? His own crew whack him in the middle of a voice-over!

Frankly, as long as you understand it's meant to be a joke I don't give a shit.

A lot of the time the explanation, or at least all the explanation you should need, is in the sentence that introduces the word itself, i.e., "In the new Max Landis-scripted Skeleton Warriors reboot the fact that no female character says anything other than 'Fuck me, daddy' is problematic."


Does he acknowledge how his being overweight is very unhealthy and insist that nobody should copy him? Because I'm sure I can't find a comedian funny if they are overweight and act like it's no big deal, or that it is a big deal but also none of anybody's business, or - worst of all - make some self-deprecating

The reason they're used that way is to show that the repression of minority groups actively harms everyone, not just the minority groups.

So if there's an example of - let's say - blackface and you don't want to write an entire essay on blackface because you know it will derail the rest of your review you're supposed to just not mention it? Except even that doesn't work, because you know that it's going to come up if not in actual comments, and really

Ok smarty-pants, what word or words - no longer than a phrase, thank you - would you like to see in its place to be used to indicate that there are problems within an idea, character, setting or plot but not so many that it should be completely dismisssed and also now isn't really the time to go into a huge digression

… double-headed?

October 12th, 1985: Dog carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and


Well she must be doing something right. She's just lost 25lbs in two comments.

I'm no scientician, but I feel in my heart that there's probably an area between doing no exercise and being at risk from Stage II Diabitis and running a marathon that should still be considered healthy.

Are we seriously calling 2010+ simply 'the post-Recession era'? Don't we at least need it to be 'post-Great Recession era' so that the grups don't think it's - what with the American Beauty reference - 2002-2008?

Steven Spielberg.

Net neutrality campaigny

The broken window theory, obviously. Plants see that infrastructure spending is down 10% and so decide to stop photosynthesising.

Fictional characters behave in ways that support author's own beliefs! Film at 11.

Real talk, made-up numbers.

Not that there's actual official data or anything, but the Guardian's data project put the 2015 data at 7.22 cop shooting deaths per million for black Americans, 3.51 for Hispanic/Latino, 3.4 for Native American, 2.94 for white and 1.34 Asian/Pacific Islander.