CS Clark

Bernie Sandernista?

Rape, Murder, Arson and Rape

I've always been fond of the 1990 three-issue World's Finest miniseries, if you don't mind some Batman in your Superman, and I quite like JMS's Superman: Earth One

Huh? I know it wasn't social media as we define it today, but JMS was heavily into communicating with fans Internetically.

Led Deppelin

Scarecrow fear gas. Bishbosh, job done.

So, more Budweiser product placement for the sequel?

They can do amazing things with computers these days. Like editing in a minute or so from an old stand-up special so you can pretend that a character in your TV show is in the audience.

That's a completely different concept altogether.

Dammit, he's a physician not a metaphysician!

Grades D through F? Has anyone ever seen something get an E?

Well yes, classic, to the extent that quoting Voltaire never goes out of style.

I'm pretty sure the people we're talking about also don't care for teenagers that much.

God's Not Dead 200: He Just Smells Funny

So he's not dead, but he's also not not dead?

A D is the worst grade. It means that not only is the art in question bad, it's also boring. An F has novelty appeal in its badness, like a turd in the shape of a famous horse, or a multi-lane pile-up where the body parts spell out lyrics from The Music Man.

Have you missed the trend of the last few years where MLK has been claimed as a proto-Republican by people who think* that he would be strongly against Black Lives Matters because he wanted a day when nobody would see skin colour?

If you hate Homestar so much, why don't you kill him?

But it was posted at 12:03! Which either means it was deliberately posted just after noon to avoid such mistrust or Katie Rife is the worst kind of iconoclast.

Challenging someone to a duel?