CS Clark

While wearing Wellingtons?

To be fair to the people who did go and see BVS, many of those negative reviews were in the medium of the written word.

I especially like the big crucifix on the left that has a smaller crucifix in the middle.

I know! I think it's because we find it easier to believe we're watching something that someone is filming than to pretend we are actually there. Even the most basic of films is going to have things like cross-cuts, which makes less sense than anything else if it's something emulating human experience. Unless you're

I think we've reached Peak Username/Comment Synergy.

There's an argument to be made that this is a symptom of the late-modern period drive towards hyperreality - earlier films like Kane tried to be more artistic than realistic, but the desire for an easily-digested realism has caused directors to not just leave lens flare in but actually add it, as part of creating authe

I had always thought that more Firefly would be interesting if the Browncoats were revealed to be as ambiguous in goals and drives as the Maquis, especially if theu had been led by people who did not always have their best interests at heart. Then Serenity happened, so, yeah.

20 years ago he was only J Abrams.

Unfortunately, the US History course only covers the inventor of the lightning rod, the 23rd president of the United States and the guy who does the voice of Archer.

Couldn't he just stick to the traditional musician's method of corrupting the nation's youth - releasing an app with egregious in-app purchases?

Uh… Into Darkness/Wrath of Khan?

Sheah, Right Internet. When did JJ Abrams ever basically remake a film with the word Star in the title with just enough changes to make it seem like a new film, except for that one time?

I'm sure you know this, but for the record it's also about killing other people's kids.

Open carry might be good enough for cinemas, schools and churches but it's not good enough for the Quicken Loans Arena.

If only there was some method of providing immunity for an entire herd even if there were a few members of the herd that lacked the innate inability to fend off the stupid.

The original anti-MMR crowd, back when Wakefield first burst onto the scene like the pustule he is, claimed they just wanted to have single vaccinations, and that the problem was the combined MMR jab.

Guest-written by Donald Trump

I can see that argument, but I'd say it's the opposite way around - we like Nog and Worf because they represent how beings from different cultures bring different strengths to the Federation and don't have to completely give up their own beliefs. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations, to coin a phrase.

I don't know about that - they were more isolationists than anything else. Mind you, they had clearly shown they were vulnerable to being easily swayed by demagogues with a casual attitude towards violence.

Ooh, that's another good one. I'm not sure about endorsement mind you.