CS Clark

Now say 'nuclear vessels'.

But the Maquis had found that lifestyle - the problem was there was a large Cardassian-Federation war, and the peace treaty left some of their planets on the wrong side of the new border, and they didn't want to leave their homes.

The episode Errand of Mercy is as much about Kirk's unthinking assumption that the natives need the Federation's assistance to keep their liberty as it is about the Klingons being imperialist warmongers (and they are glory seekers here - "A shame, captain. It would have been glorious" - which is not notably a Soviet

Oh sure, I was just meaning that just because BvS makes a lot of money doesn't mean that the possible lure of an extra, say, $100 million might not raise thoughts of rewrites, delays, and sending Zack Snyder to a farm upstate.

Apparently it's a great destination for second honeymoons on Earth-2. But only in the Arrowverse.

"You think I wanted to be called Black Lightning? Hell no. I wanted to go by Supervolt. Black Lightning was Aquaman's idea. I said, well maybe we should just call you Whitefish!"

Unlike dead fish, Aquaman begins to stink after three minutes.

Plus movie studio execs aren't just interested in making money - they're interested in making a shitload of money. So if they're looking at 'fun' movies like Deadpool being incredibly succesful despite being more obscure they're going to be worried that they're not doing as well as they could.

And, of course, his ability to control silverfish in TBATB, which had me in stitches.

So what's the candy equivalent of the duck-billed platypus?

Possibly that 'literary' fiction and alternative comics are both vanity projects, published for the prestige and produced only for critics who - because they are something something - only find value in a very limited view of the world? But I admit I'm confused as I thought the point was more specifically about

Guess it couldn't stand being in Montana.

I use bing because I like the photos on the homepage and because it makes no fucking difference what search engine returns wikipedia as the first link that I need.

That someone would make the first statement with a straight face actually explains the second.

Go home movie, you're drunk.

Is it weirder than the fact that Supes' girlfriend, former girlfriend, former girlfriend who is also a mermaid and archenemy all have the initials LL?

You can, of course, be Christian and at the same time not support legalisation of bigotry.

I'd like to enfillade Black Widow's rear with my Oak Ridge force.

I can see the similarities, and Stewart Lee is definitely a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma that's let itself go a bit, but I think he's at least moved on from the whole DROPPING THE MIKE AND SHOUTING THE SAME THING AGAIN AND CRYING THING, hasn't he?

I quite like it when a stand-up refuses to take any shit from an audience. There are exceptions, though, and not all of them are Michael Richards. Still, beats the shit out of a stand-up who aims so low that they know everything they say will definitely get a laugh.