CS Clark

And didn't try to shut down the government by misrepresenting Dr. Seuss.

That is accurate though, in that Ted Cruz would end up gnawing the Constitution out of someone else's hand then destroying it by falling into a large lava pit while clutching it tightly to his bosom.

What if it's someone doing well-meaning but poor impersonations of George Wallace?

Bringing up people making pop culture references to distinguish themselves from alcoholics, the unemployable, angry loners… do we really want to pull at that thread?

George Washingtong


Only if he's the next Spiderman but one.

Laughing, Yelling, Lactating?

Unlike many 'adult' comic book readers kids don't want or need to read 10-15 new titles a month, and there's enough good-to-decent TV tie-ins/spin-offs to get them to 2-3 a month without needing original titles. Plus, y'know, kids have an annoying tendency to read books.

I'm imagining it. Specifically, I'm imagining some Internet YouTube critic doing a comparison between the source and the film and complaining (here's the wind-up) that the main character of Machiko Noguchi (and the pitch…) shouldn't have been played by Emma Stone.

But he does learn the valuable lesson that he should just be himself and not sexually assault anyone, or force people to take part in up-tempo samba numbers - all epiphanies which are missing from the modern MRA mindset.

And Bernie fans are like people who will threaten a bad Yelp review - I mean, a really bad review - if they are offered mayonnaise instead of aioli. Of course! It all makes sense now.

Shoot. I'm busy that nights.

The thing I like most about this is, that the Trump said that about himself.

Is this the one that has people read out mean things Twitter has said about them, or the one where they sing in cars?

I dunno, I quite liked Miss Austen Regrets.

Old Man Yells At Clod

I like New York in June.

Wait a second… I have a radical idea. What if they put the adorable personal interaction scenes and exciting teaser stuff in the movie and left all the overdone CGI, pointless science-babble and underacting till after the credits?

Helena herself might disagree, but frankly I don't think she's got a leg to stand on.