CS Clark

What a p-brane!

I'm no spring chicken myself. I just try to put things in perspective - which should be easier when you're older - and keep in mind that in 2036 the youth of today will be complaining that the new X-Men film doesn't have Mystique in it, and about how Onslaught doesn't look right.

It can be two things.

loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ polka music! Of course!

The porn parody will beat that.

Why didn't they just fly there on the eagles? How can you make a moon-sized space station that can be destroyed with one shot? If he had never left America wouldn't the Nazis have all ended up with their faces melted off anyway? Why didn't he just buy another sledge?

If they made superhero films based on what the audience were experiencing two decades previous, Tim Burton's Batman would have been a lot different. More signs, for one thing.

It's that goddamned plinky plonky poignant piano. It's sucking all the life out of everything.

I thought a dorayaki pancake was what they call a threesome in Essos.

Same way the æ in aeronautics becomes a in NASA. Because the vast majority of people find it more intuitive to say it that way.

With a cliffhanger?

Reading the ending of the novel is one of the few times I've been reading something and literally caught my breath. I'm glad they managed to do a comparable ending without attempting to replicate the novel.

Ah, Metamorphoses, one of Kafkas's few sequels. Which reads, in its entirety:

David Cameron started doing it recently. Although quite frankly I think he's making a pig's breakfast of it.

Now really. Would a man who has a problem with woman not only get married, but get married three times?

The movie also gets a surprising amount of mileage from its resemblance to a real sports movie…

So was St George, but you didn't hear Henry V complaining.

Colossal Crapweasel

Huh. I would have thought the Lena Dunham would be an open faced sandwich.

If Dong doesn't come back for an entire season, consult your physician.