CS Clark

Also a new slogan for their new Mystery Meat Footlong.

Laidze wasn't as bothered by the heterosexual incest then?

Much like the tipping system, it's in lieu of paying minimum wage.

It's a nice idea, but one trouble is, Gotham Central had lots of tension because of the different attitudes to Batman, even when he wasn't present - some liked him, some put up with him grudgingly, some resented him or blamed him. I can't see people doing that with Superman. Nobody's going to refuse to call Superman

What's really annoying is when you see one of these millenials dressed as a poisoner, carrying around a bottle with a skull and crossbones on it, wearing a bitter almonds cologne, and it turns out they just curate a poison tumblr.


Really? Because above a certain aount - and it's not a particularly large amount compared with what we think of as rich - of income the prospect of more income simply for the things you can do with money stops being important. Oh, it matters to get more money to prove something, and as well as proving that you are the

Admittedly it was an apocalypse on an alternate Earth, but imo the point at which Torg stopped being a complete doofus and started being a hero-doofus was after one. Specifically this strip, final panel.

the British military’s evacuation of the eponymous French city in the ‘40s.

Not really. You're suggesting that developers are capable of replicating human emotions like love?

She turned me into a Newt Gingrich!

As stupid as all the other elections that aren't presidential elections that they stay home for, or more stupid?

Just because we're foreign doesn't mean we speak Gibberish. Except for people from Gibraltar, of course.

Exactly. You can't, like, own a sign, man.

Let me put it this way… SNL has been on the air for 41 years and Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead. That's not nothing.


Jessica Jones disagrees with you.

"Such beautiful prostitutes. Not quite as beautiful as my daughter but let me tell you if my daughter had been one of those prostitutes she definitely would have been the most beautiful prostitute and I would have banged her. I would, I know it's not politically correct but yeah."

Episode IV: A New Gripe

Scrappy Jesus? As in Da-da-da-dahh-da-da….. PAPAL POWER?