CS Clark

- Jesus Christ…
- Χριστός.
- You're putting me on.
- No, it's pronounced Χριστός.
- Do you also say Ἰησοῦς?
- No… Jesus.
- Well, why isn't it Ἰησοῦς Χριστός?
- It isn't; it's Jesus Χριστός.
- I see.
- You must be Paul.
- No, it's pronounced Pah-ool.
- But they told me it was Paul.
- Well, they were wrong then, weren't they?


The fact that she has her own Hitler costume makes it more sexy but at the same time worrisome. Like she might make you put it on for a bit of roleplay, and before you know it you're not sure who wears the Hitler pants in the relationship.

Matt Groening is a boring old biddy!

I have to say this. He hit my knives. Look at those knives, are they short knives? And he referred to my knives as if they’re short, something else must be short. I guarantee you there’s no problem. I guarantee it.

The Beer Hall Putz

You should have seen the digital series they wanted to do. It wasn't a bomb, believe me.

This Is Just To Say

Uh, are we forgetting American Gothic's appearance in Rocky Horror? It can't be because we're skipping the low-hanging fruit, because Baron Munchausen.

That's a shame, because the look of alienation and despair on the face of the third Austin Power impressionist, on realising he has to not only follow that guy but also that guy would have been ten times better at illustrating the tenets of Existentialism than Camus and Sartre combined. (Camus and Sartre, of course,

If society was really bothered by hokey secondhand Jack Black impressions, Jack Black would have been living in a cardboard box for the past decade.

I'll take anal bum cover for $500.

Paul Feig turned into Miranda Sings so slowly I didn't even notice that I didn't bother to find out if I've ever watched one of his films by accident.

Star Wars tomorrow, Cloverfield tonight.

When they have learned the difference between 'slightly podgy' and 'not seen own genitals since the Clinton administration'* then, and only then, can they cast it. Also I can't see Zach Galafinakis mustering enough rage. I'd apologise to him but I don't think he would care that much.

Yes, but with added racial overtones. Or undertones, one of those two. The point it, it would be plain weird for a Trump-voting SJW-hating MRA to want to watch his wife be pleasured by someone of the same skin colour* as him.

You're not meant to neg yourself!


Knock knock

Yeah, let's all make fun of Dan Trachtenberg's tendency to, um…