CS Clark

Kenny Rogers knew a guy who knew when to fold 'em. Does that count?

Nice try, but I think we all know perfectly well that when that George Martin goes the headline will read "RRIP George Martin"

Yeah, like they're going to give a C+ to a guy wearing a $3,000 suit! COME ON!

Dispatch War Rocket Ajax to bring back his co-producer credit!

And What's New Pussycat? (That it was funny, not the multiple roles thing.) Which I would pick in a heartbeat over Being There.

I forsee a great Act III in which a massively overpermed man is constantly interrupted from his hobbies of amateur astronomy and protecting badgers by the ghost of the annoying dead gay singer in his band. Kind of like Truly, Madly, Deeply meets Hamlet meets The Sky At Night meets Wind in the Willows. But with AIDS.

His character had the hardest job! He had to convince all the Caucasian mathematicians not to multiply the results produced by the African-American mathematicians by 0.6!

Why did the Endorian chicken cross the road?
Because it was afraid, and fear is the path that leads to the other side.

But with a title that sounds more like a Joe Estevez feature.

My Supreme Leader's got no nose.
How does he smell?
Better on the outside!

I know a lot of people thought the series went downhill after Jody the Pig-Demon left but I thought there was some good cross-cultural stuff in Amityville 7: Mission to Massapequa.

DAY 1: Huge, massive hangover. Vow never to drink again.
DAY 2: Still feel rotten, attribute to hangover.
DAY 3: Wake up feeling chipper, do everything you have planned, go to bed early, ponder why you didn't do this before.
DAY 4: Fail to do anything of importance, wonder how this can be after previous day. Cat videos

I don't mind. The thing that bothers me is someone keeps moving my chair.

You lost your lucky ball and chain?

Then this is where the party ends.

The Illinois Enema Bandit. I heard it on the news.

He doesn't get paid fifty million dollars to act out of a trench.

Yeah, as the world's only Dylan McDermott in American Horror Story live-action tribute band.

The air conditioning unit is in perfect working order, but the moon unit is a little fried.

Oh sure, you can get the mansion. But it doesn't come with a garage - that belongs to Joe.