CS Clark

I don't even think everyone was mad about Affleck. I think it breaks down to:


Assuming we can award this to the People, rather than just their representatives, I'd give the crown temporarily to Ralph Nader and the Naderites c.2000, for their Theory of Why George Bush and Al Gore Are The Same, but I would be willing to hold off permanent award until we've dealt with the people who are genuinely

I'm not sure about this Batman Casting Theory. Some of those Batman films were bad! People were not always wrong to be mad!

And most people treat Cs as some kind of leprosy instead of competent, watchable if you like this kind of thing but nothing really good about it.

Wait a second… you're saying Salacious Crumb wasn't meant to be Space Geordie?

Darth's not here, man.

Actually I think they're a Laura fun.

I'm pretty sure being friendless is part of the essential Star Wars experience. Especially if it's because they've gone to Tosche Station to pick up some powerrrr converteerrrrrrss.

I'd like to see a full Buckaroo Banzai set - one where he doesn't interrupt his own trumpet solo to sing a sadder song which is in turn interrupted by a suicide attempt. As usual.

As some day it may happen that a victim must be found,
I've got a little list, I've got a little list.
Of the DC guys and gals who're among the most unrenowned
And who never would be missed, who never would be missed.
There's the annoying billionaire who used to be a Superman
The bad guy who thinks speaking slowly is the

You know what, I think I might have been getting confused with all the times he demanded an apology. Because opting out of the whole apology thing does mean you can't really ask for any either, unless you are as self-aware as chemical-bleached pond scum.

That sounds too hard, and really won't it mitigate against the complaints about Internet complaining that it's all keyboard warriors and people who just want to look good on social media in order to get laid? Couldn't we just pretend that someone getting fired for saying something stupid after, but not necessarily

Is she? I don't even know what she's saying… that she'll be the one to choose who she apologises to in the future if/when she makes a mistep? Sure. That she's done giving apologies? Even Donald Trump makes apologies.

Uber for Hot Takes

I think that there is a difference if only because the history of religious zealots accusing people of being sinners is a lot more burnier.

If I ever made a joke that I was particularly proud of, ripe with allusion and wordplay, frankly the last thing I would need is a large number of upvotes because all that would prove is that's it's not as clever as I thought. 3 or 4 would be optimum.

I was thinking of Terry Pratchett's Hogfather, both the primal one who lives in a castle of bones and the temporary one who asks people IF THEY HAVE BEEN GOOD THIS YEAR.

They're the ones who'll go out not with a bang but a wimple.

Oh, I would never begrudge someone preferring one over the other, although I have to say I find Cisco less fun when he's using his scienceness to work out the best way to perform an extrajudicial killing. I like them both, I just don't think they're so different in quality, at the moment at least, that one gets plenty