CS Clark

No Oliver/Felicity? *Angry choked sob*!

I'm surprised to see so many The Flashes since, to my mind, Arrow, which is not mentioned once, has been the better show this season. I'd guess it's more about the previous respective seasons being awesome and meh respectively (oh yeah! TV seasons and chronological years are not the same thing!), but I think it might

Ecce homo, no homo

Gethsemane? How about I Gethsema-knee you in the crotch!

I can see that being annoying. When people say 'We all have our cross to bear' they're not supposed to add 'and mine has a pogo stick on the bottom.'

What was the deal with all those presidents who you only see on film being hidden by the back of their chair? As far as I'm concerned, the only appropriate president to shoot from behind was Lincoln.

Trump again?

Does the name Jeff Bezos ring a bell? Hell, even he thought it would be fun to run a newspaper. He thought. It would be fun. To run a newspaper. Heughhh!

He was the best pilot in the galaxy, and a master debator.

He probably let one rip during a performance of Rachmaninov's Second Piano Concerto, got the biggest laugh of the night and decided it was fate.

Why would I need a malnourished reptile to teach me that when I had a much better teacher in Eric from Dungeons and Dragons?

I'm pretty sure that's the half the plot of Brave New World.

I'm pretty sure, in Star Trek VI, Spock says, "There is an old Klingon proverb: Only John Adams could have written Nixon in China".

Star Trek: World War Zebra


Are we sure the man on the left isn't Seth Green cosplaying as Bob Balaban?

'Collect your fags' means the same though, right?

While it's perfectly acceptable to not be British in this day and age, it's a pretty poor show to not know the Jam song 'Eton Rifles' which features Slough in the second line.

Well Random House has been public since the 1960s, same with Penguin. And privately owned publishing houses (who also give dividends) don't go around not caring about profts or growing bigger.

(i) Sheer egoism: Desire to seem clever, to be talked about, to be remembered after death, to get your own back on the grown-ups who snubbed you in childhood, etc., etc. It is humbug to pretend this is not a motive, and a strong one. Writers share this characteristic with scientists, artists, politicians, lawyers,