CS Clark

Yes, but with more slavery and forced labour camps.

Contrariwise, they have nominated entertainment that I do not like, which proves that I am more sophisticated, wittier and a more considerate lover than the slubberdegullions that form the hive-mind known as the Writer's Guild.

A walking clock?

"I was furious when she left, because she was the best pussy I ever had."

That's much better than my solution of building a huge wall.

Or just have a screenplay where he isn't portrayed as a straight-out hero.

One of the great advantages of the novel as an artform is that they're a lot easier to ignore the existence of. How many people know Steve Martin has written a novel? None. How many know about the existence of his version of Inspector Clouseau? Billions.

Now this is podiatry racing!

It's for tv, but if Chappelle could "get away with it", lets see how many N words Tarantino can throw into this mini-series.

No! Nay! Never needed, never noticed! Now neglect narration, neuter nuance, nobble nostalgia. Nicely, not nastily,

That's… not what Jezebel is short-hand for. It's not "Worse than Satan/Hitler/Jezebel". She's shorthand for false prophecy, prostitution and (by extension) ladies what think they're too fancy, what with their make-up and hairstyles and showing their ankles.

I'm pretty sure the first hipsters in a garden state were Adam and Eve. After all, they were doing everything before it was cool… naming animals, wearing leaves, freecycling.

It is a great and lasting shame that when Melville took this work to his editor and asked him to publish it he did not reply, "I would prefer not to."

"The review you had on Leaves of Grass, which is merely a three-word review, just said 'Leaves of Ass…"

I thought people were saving up their outrage for being outraged at the people being outraged at outrage culture.

I'm calling Poe's Law.

Should have used DURACELL.

He crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side.

Careful… it might be sarcasm.

I can't believe he hasn't published a novel. (I can totally believe he's written one.) It would sem to suit his sensibilities and strengths better. But maybe he's been put off by the inevitability of the abuse and the fact the pseudonyms don't last for ever these days.