CS Clark

No, I mean I'm not a sociopath who can't understand that non-sociopaths actually have empathy for other human beings.

My god man! Do you want someone to passive-aggressively say that this episode clearly hit a sore spot with you?

Oh I'm sure there will be a Christmas episode where it turns out the real assholes are the ones who dismiss Fox/Christian complaints about the 'War on Christmas' as bullshit but also complain when something they like about Christmas is changed. Because hypocrisy.

I wouldn't know. I don't have the gene that allows people to quickly, easily, and infallibly distinguish between legitimate acts of compassion and fake outrage.

hedge their bets

I have no idea, I've heard, like, three of her songs. But I would point out that you can* also have a consistent public performance persona that isn't that same thing as the real you (whatever that is), and of all people a comedian should know that because they're the ones that get the most shit on a regular basis

"Have you heard? World War I just started!"

I still have flashbacks to a trailer for Austin Powers 2: The Search For More Money that had some wretched milksop of an audience member dressed up as Austin Powers saying 'Ohh beeehave.'

My favourite MST3Ks were definitely the films made by people who seemed to have had the concept of cinema explained to them second-hand. By a talking dog.

That's only fair, since he invented the belly button.

Some people are suggesting these days that when you sing a song you sometimes take on a persona - much like an actor would! - that is distinct from what you are like in the real world. For example, Nick Cave is not a serial killer with a red right hand, Paul McCartney doesn't want to be a paperback writer, and Iggy

That's Schrödinger' hat.

I am the very model of a logical Vulcanian
I know the salient details of the peace treaty Organian
I'm quite adept at nerve pinches, knocking out both her and him
When lovedrugged I might say to you that I'm not going back Jim.

Star Trek, nothing but Star Trek
Give me that Star Trek
Don't let it end
Oh, Star Trek
If they should… bar trek
Please let that Star Trek
And hey!
How bout that crazy Star Trek bridge
Can you forget all the machines that went ping! in there?
And hey!
The Borg in those black and evil rubber costumes with car stereo

That was eggasperating.

See, this is how it starts. First with the jokes, then comes the heavy stuff.

Yep. The one and only. It was mildly controversial in-house, because Jason Alexander and Michael Richards didn't want to end up as supporting players to the two 'main' characters and continually miss out on episodes (Kramer also wasn't in 'The Chinese Restauraunt'). So from that one on, even if the bulk of an episode

WRONG! No Costanzas in 'The Pen'.

Yes, enough with all the negantivity.

Thar. Thar wulf. Thar cassel.