CS Clark

Are you quite sure you weren't accidentally playing Paranoia instead?

The trouble is, a lot of those films tried to make up for what they lacked in originality or talent with really over the top gross-out effects and full-frontal nudity. Otherwise Galaxy of Terror would be a shoo-in.

- There's been an accident at the studio…
- We made Hobgoblins

Admiral Halsey notified me
He had to have a berth or he couldn't get to sea

Ummm…. a Jesus did it?


The Incredibly Strange Creatures That Stopped Living And Became Mixed-Up Presidential Candidates

It's hermetically sealed.

There's only so many jokes you can make about bad 50s special effects.

Yeah, it would only be misleading if it said he had brought back MST3K.

Where, where I say, could they possibly find a group of individuals willing to spend all their time making snarky remarks and repeating stale catchphrases about the worst products of pop culture, with particular regard to scifi and fantasy?

Booze money?

Well, if it's impossible to know one way or another then why would you not treat human beings as an end in themselves rather than a means to an end?

But it worked - everybody is Tarkin about it.

It's a trap!


Replace 'actor' with 'human being' and you have correctly described the mindset of some of the world's richest men.

You've missed out the important part where he mentions two competing ideas, one normal, sane and supported by facts and the other completely insane, as if those are equivalent, before going on to deliver his own conspiracy theory. So: "You know, some people think that the carburetor was invented by Stalin in order to

Counterpoint: Duck Amuck.

No offence, but 'not to nitpick' is the pedant's equivalent of 'I don't want to be politically incorrect…'. Pick your nits proudly!