CS Clark

That would be a Shem.

Or maybe he'll bring someone else's appendix on the show and pass it off as his own. Possibly Mort Sahl's.

Not just any mom - a stride-mother.

Well, I am fed up with all those amateur Bonos….

Why? Did he refuse to have sex with you?

His one-liners would land better if he didn't indicate that he thought they were, in any shape, way or form, funny. Even when they are.

His shows at this point reminds me a little of the fourth season of Babylon 5, which is still the most exhilarating weekly TV show experience of my life simply because they burned off two series' worth of episodes in one series because they thought it was going to be cancelled.

The beta version is buggy? Nooooooooooooooo!

He may have missed the whole 'freedom of speech' thing when he suggested that anybody who criticises US history should be banished though.

You probably won't regret it if you watch it, but you also probably won't regret it if you miss one or two or an entire week.

Viewing events through a unique prism is the most Lovecraftian thing Stewart's ever been involved with.

Hello darkness, my old friend.

He told the Professor about it, and also why he was keeping it secret, without too many qualms.

Yeah. Not best friends but would it really be that surprising that they reach some kind of rapprochement by the end of the series? Or at least that Supergirl would be willing to? Or would that be as crazy as the lead villain in The Flash developing a respect and emotional connections to the team, even to the extent of

I agree (I mean, who doesn't want more nuance?) but I'd also note that them talking openly isn't just the first few episodes of a new TV series but also the endgame of them not talking openly about things like this for years before the pilot.

Never. And you know why? Because they wouldn't let him include the bit where Lincoln describes felching Mary Todd. To his cabinet.

I've always loved that, but to be fair that's specifically Lex Luthor's twisted imagination at work, and it's not impossible for other people to believe that they might want to experience normal, everyday stuff, like writing about building codes being under fire for a major metropolitan newspaper.

And I think one reason people thought Diggle was out of line was because there were more than a few other instances of people forgiving other people quickly for excusable and understandable things in the months before instead of moping.

I hope if he does - and that seems like a real longshot, way out there idea, by the way - they introduce another character who is a relation of his just so they can refer to him as 'your cyborg cousin'.

And why doesn't Superman dance anymore?