CS Clark


Sage advice.

On the other hand, who else is going refine all the best themes, ideas, expressions, tropes out of Wes Anderson, leaving behind the dross to come up with something greater, purer and less annoying? Because I'll tell you who won't be doing that. Fucking Wes Anderson, that's who.

The exact same thing happened to Susan B. Anthony.

He should have tried to drive casual.

Dead of Night? Unless there's some kind of bullshit 1 Max of British films or 0 Max of incredibly obvious picks.

Sorry, I'm already assigned to Clu Gulager Alert.

If it actively hurts non-fan enjoyment, by having people act in such a manner that's only understandable if you know the references then sure. Although there's plenty of shows that do that to characters without the rationale of expecting the audience to know source background.

– Now, as Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D when I check out our enemies list I see Hu's in Hydra, Watt’s in A.I.M, Aidawntnaugh is a Kree…
– See, that's what I want to find out. I want you to tell me the name of the fellows on our enemies list.
– I'm telling you. Hu’s in Hydra, Watt’s in A.I.M, Aidawntnaugh is a Kree…
– You know

Upvoted for verbing Tauntaun.


I'm confused. Is this a happy ending or a sad ending?

No one, even those who have the facts concerning the recent horror, can
say just what is the matter with Dunwich; though old legends speak of
unhallowed rites and conclaves of the Indians, amidst which they called
forbidden shapes of shadow out of the great rounded hills, and made wild
orgiastic prayers that were

And yet many people point to episodes of South Park as justification for them acting like assholes. It's almost as if assholishness isn't some kind of clear ontological category.

It only matters to the extent that people will use South Park as proving some point or other and Parker and Stone as the deep thinkers that the world needs when the target of the week is something they too hate. If it's just a random pisstream of annoyance then we can just laugh at the jokes, or not. Other than that

Aren't people just going to be upset when they get their Aubrey Plaza dog home and it doesn't sound like Aubrey Plaza, and doesn't do anything that Aubrey Plaza might do and just sits their licking its own genitals?

You know what? I'm beginning to suspect that Trey Parker and Matt Stone don't really have a coherent ethical philosophy. As cultural snipers go, they're more Charles Whitman than Simo Häyhä.

Uh hello? Does a little film called The Jewel of the Nile ring any bells?

The A.V. Club
tends to undercut its would-be serious moments with deadpan gags

Me am Karaa. Me love you Kara Zor-El!