CS Clark

It's nice to have shoutouts to actors from previous versions and all, but I do hope that when they finally show Hal Jordan's face and he starts going on an on about his dumb dead dead we don't get a flashback of Reynolds pancaking.

Oh right. TV reviewers are the only people who do that. And they're also the only people who judge a piece of art on how it relates to wider cultural trends and personal concerns.

Oh, I'm sure there will be a shift to DHARKN'GRITTI when they do the Supergirl Gets Kidnapped By Darkseid And Turned Into A Female Fury plot. And with these guys that'll be around week… 9? 10 at the latest.

By '18th Century French play' I assume they mean 1985 British play based on an 18th century French epistolary novel?

50% of the Star Wars films not directed by George Lucas have turned out to be fantastic. You gotta like those odds.

David Prowse's accent is not Cockney, it's West Country.

Over the course of 50 years a dog slowly goes more and more insane.

Depends on where you're looking while Adrienne Barbeau cavorts topless.

That's for dirty dirty whores and also pre-marital couples.

Why does Josh, the largest Duggar-Spawn, not simply eat the other eighteen?

Having a host who can do more than two accents (including his own) seems a bit of a change,

I wonder if that means they would be ok with the Super Functionaries of the Great Ten, or would they get that Grant Morrison was taking the piss.

Clark the cover is meant to be stiff and boring, but a good actor can also indicate that there's something else going on back there, the Clark you would see if he wasn't trying to cover it up, without the audience shouting at Lois Lane for being the worst investigative reporter ever.

The only religious belief I can see the cast of this show having is

You remind me of the cock.

Yeah, it's a bit weird to think of aliens going to the trouble of abducting people in order to inject them with microchips to keep track of them when all they would have to do is check their Facebook status.

Why don't ya just kiss 'im instead of lightsaberin' 'im ta death?

It's a little unclear, but I'm pretty sure George Washington is about to be decapitated by a Carnifex.

Unpaid freelancers? You mean that bunch of hobos sitting in the corner of the library taking turns at using the Macintosh LC while playing pocket billiards?

Or a big green monster caterpillar called Plotholez.