CS Clark

Thanks to the Internet, you can now right wrongs from home.

It's an X-Wing, not an XX-Wing.

Are you sure you're not thinking of his non-union equivalent, Stefon Spielbeg? "If you're looking for a baroque night out, I've got the film for you. The hottest film that I've made is Amistaaaaaaad. Based on the world-famous Tumblr created by Banjo McQuack that combines pictures from Star Wars with lines from Star

I'm amused that you think you won't eventually need eight different types of USB stick for the 47 different services you'll be subscribed to.

You might have dodged a bullet there.

Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris?
Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior

But do you think they will get to Regionals?

Looks like someone's database of car names needs work. Also adjectives to put in front of the word mother without freaking me out.

Because the book it was based on was called Room, and quite often one of the reasons for paying for the rights to make a film out of a bestselling and much-lauded novel is that you can get people who enjoyed reading it to watch the film version, something that becomes a little harder if the film version has a

Frank: Origins

Frank also had a mid-point where it turned from one film into another film, just like this one. And they're both about people who are trapped in prisons of their own devising even after the thing literally trapping them is removed. And Brie Larson plays theremin.

There should be (there probably is) a word for literary quotes which people misuse, not knowing the source, just because the wording is perfect for expressing this particular thought, and besides if a famous author said it, it adds gravitas: either ones which are not really meant to be taken as a good thing in context


I might not be what you want, but it's what you Ennead.

People are very strange these days.

I find this comment needlessly emotionally manipulative, and despite what I am told by the critics my kids don't really care for it either.

Sorry, but King Creepy Dummy is the one in Dead of Night.

Wasn't that Jersey Shore?

They'll only spend it on iPads and bottled water.

Let me guess. Alex Trebek's Penis Mightier?