CS Clark

I wonder if there's some kind of connection.

She's nailed the whole 'I don’t want to think' part, gotta give her that.

Remember when turning Twitter accounts into TV shows was a thing that was mocked by Community the actual TV show and not just a long-length webisode?

That's America's problem. You think the rest of the world thinks that the good in you is the logical, responsible, clever stuff, and that what we don't like is the crazy.

#No We Kanyet.

Oh, thank you Anonymous User. Thank you so much.

No, no, no… I know that there was that Stephen King book, and that the book Rogue Male is ten tonnes of awesome.

Mewling quip!

What are you, some kind of kickinthebanazi?

based on a similar show that recently premiered in Britain

Nothing like standing up to a bunch of assholes by immediately changing whatever words you want to use to suit them just because they claim that they have no problems with the ideas, it's just that the words are threatening. I'm sure they'll leave you alone after that!

Mystery Men has its moments and a great cast as well, but it's not sure how much it wants to be satire (he lost his sponsorship, how funny), how much it wants to be affectionate parody and how much it wants to be a straight comedy-action flick. Whereas The Specials is pretty sure that they have no budget so they may

And their battle cry could be 'The game's afoot!'

He should have tried a more hands-on approach.

People already do that now.

Cut him some slack. Not everyone can be good at expressing their thoughts with words.

Works for Doctor Who.

And her villainous name could be… The Car-Berater! Because she shouts at them angrily. As they're flying away. On Monday.

"Well Captain, it seems that your completely illogical, crazy, stupid stupid stupid stupid playing style has tricked me, an actual genius, into not looking at the entire board. Again."

Sadly true of so many things with fascist undertones. As well as most things with fascist overtones.