
I think they should tweak the Celebrity Boxing format and move it into the Octagon. All-Star Celebrity Mixed Martial Arts Extravaganza!! Pretty much just celebrities getting pounded through the canvas by UFC fighters.

I like hearing your wife giggle, too.

No, you haven't.

Yeah, but think of the week or more media frenzy that's going to occur when this guy does off himself.

Cool, thanks for the answers friends. I'll check 'em out and see what sticks…

Never Heard Of Them
Where's a good place to start so I can see if I like them or not?

Yes, but I'll bet there were many Friday and Saturday nights those tig ol' bitties came in handy for your sister, when she laughed and rode away in the quarterback's convertible.

Or Madonna?

As a product of America's public school system (late 1980s - 2001 era), I obviously have no idea whether to use "laying" or "lying" in my post above.

Is that anything like Contra Dick, which I used to get from laying on my stomach on the hard floor all day playing Contra on the NES?

I should have elaborated. I meant, they probably had a decent relationship up until now. Then the papers start saying Harry Potter wants your girl, and she's ready to drop you in an instant?

Those Girls' Boyfriends
Man, how'd you like to be Cassi Mackay and Savannah Blount's boyfriends?

Duh, lookit his name

Playboy Restaurant - All You Can Eat Fish Tacos -All Night, Every Night!

Well, here's hoping they look in more than that one location, and don't confine their search to just that summer you were working there.

Yeah, but…
…does anyone know when Charlie Wilson's War is coming out on DVD?


This is indeed
…a cunning stunt.

C'mon, it's not like he could read what we post…

I thought we settled it, "get off the dick" is said in response to someone who's singing the praises of someone/something a little too much?