
In Other News…
No mention of Akon being completely discredited on here yet?

I've been skinny, and I've been fat. It's definitely a choice.

"Got any naked pictures of your wife? Wanna see some?"

A Pet Peeve…
"I don't really care. I could give a shit."

Devotchka is a Library Band
Without money from public libraries across the country, Devotchka would have ended long ago.

I just saw "Punk: Attitude" on Sundance or IFC last night, and was amazed to hear that Fugazi declined interviews from Rolling Stone et al, because they featured tobacco and alcohol ads.

Q: What's the last thing a drummer says before they leave a band?
A: "Hey, can we try one of my songs now?"

Wrestling fan, huh?

* wasn't

One time Lobsters opened for me, and I ignored him/her/it, like he/she/it was even there. True story.

Dom Irrera
I really don't like this guy. Glad to see his career has…well, I don't know that he was ever really above this. I just know he's not funny.

Sorry Pig but now I'm rooting for you to hear that. I hear Home Depot has a good sale going on plywood, too.

Am I The Only One
…not on the AMC TV show bandwagon? I really have no interest in Mad Men or Breaking Bad. Several years ago they had an old-timey radio show that also did not gain my attention.

Anybody else blown away by LtCG's weight loss? He's in an ad for one of those programs - the one with all the football players - and he's pretty skinny now.


I saw this last night
It had its moments, but for the most part this was nothing special. The Graduate meets the kids from Metropolitan. Meh.

Have you ever been to a Turkish prison?

Sufjan Stevens had some long ones on Illinois:

You should probably look into trademarking that. That's actually pretty catchy.

I heard about 10 minutes of it whilst perusing a local record shop. What I heard was enough to make me consider buying it, although I haven't yet.