
Guitar Hero is only fun for the person currently playing. Everyone else is either saying, "I can't wait for this jerk to be done so I can play," or, "I wonder if it's too late to get some cocaine and really start partying."

Well Done
A solid contribution to what's shaping up to be a great series. Keep 'em coming…

Oh Jesus.

Brown sugar, how come you taste so good?

That Picture of Khia
is fantastic!

Oh no!

Oh No!

Any word on the new Robin movie starring Chris O'Donnell?

flatulent turtle puppet

The Sweat of a Fisherman's Scrotum
I know what should be next week's Taste Test!

Either it's my distinctive, earthy aroma that billows off of my flesh in rich clouds of stink, OR it's the big block letter "ANONIMOUSE" tattoo I have on my forehead. And inner thigh. Possibly on my back, too - I can't be sure since I can't see back there, you know?

I think my favorite response to that question is when they claim they were going to talk to the kid about why they shouldn't be having sex with strangers from the Internet.

Haven't heard/seen/thought of them for a while. I guess they peaked by getting one song onto Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2.

Yeah, can I retract my original post? I don't want to have to register on (another) sex offender list because of this thread.

…Strike While The IRON is Hot…
Ha, very punny.

I heard this album might have something to do with Rising Up and Rising Down, by William Vollman?

Damn tim, you gotta put a spoiler warning on that. Some of us haven't gotten around to watching Duets just yet man…

He always has the best blow in town, too.

Amelie, you're posting more while you're on vacation than during a normal week. Take a break, kick your shoes off, have a pina colada…