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    God damn it, that made me want to throttle the responsible party. Because while it is awfully abrupt and somewhat anticlimactic, The Grey is badass enough to make it work.

    No no no no no. Taken AND The Dark Knight are fantastic. Taken is one of those movies that feels fired out of a cannon. On top of its many other virtues, which John explains well, it's also one of the more realistically choreographed movies in recent memory, in that every fight lasts two seconds.

    The Strangers was good. And that only takes us back to 2008!

    But I'm in the middle of a trial!

    Don't remind me!

    I otherwise love RD, but I hate Roth's performance in it. It hits me as very strained. It certainly doesn't help that he's whining like a goddamn baby for the whole damn thing. Just thinking about it makes me mad!

    Possibly this shocks you because Soundgarden was successful in a genre your comment is apparently completely unfamiliar with? Superunknown was also a huge crossover hit that managed the rare feat of being both a critical and a commercial success. Many consider it one of the best pop (and rock) albums of the '90s after

    I bet @avclub-e57dbebc740250d2c4a370cf6ccb35f0:disqus feels pretty held back about that blunder.

    Stop making me actually feel bad about calling things retarded.


    There's some weird stuff being said here. Statistical analysis of baseball stats isn't perfectly predictive, but the advanced stats of sabermetrics do a far better job of predicting future value than stuff like batting average and ERA.

    "The only guy of substance that Bean's strategy ever produced was Nick Swisher"? What does that even mean? Like, the only Moneyball-esque hitter discovered by Beane who went on to have a star career? Well, no shit. If these players were star-caliber, Beane would have never been able to sign them in the first place.

    Yes. This is one of the few movies that can mesmerize me into a state of mind where I actually feel insane. I once watched Apocalypse Now back to back with 2001 and felt like I was under the influence of powerful drugs.

    That's a Ween song?!?!?! I am grateful for my raised awareness of who to hate. Anyone who likes Ween.

    Ha ha ha! I'm going to kill someone.

    When that song first came out I thought the lyrics were saying BOW BOW BLITZ. I still hear them that way.

    Okay, so she should have leapt at the chance to show herself to the world. And the world replied, "You're awful."

    Have any of you guys swung an axe lately? There's basically nothing an axe can't do.

    Last leader of the Inca and a New Yorker regular? The Spaniards were probably just jealous.

    They're not that far off. Only instead of the mysterious hero arriving from the misty sea to slaughter the monsters that have bedeviled the land, our protagonist sits around a damp town crying because her monster boyfriend won't have sex with her.