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    Huh. Eomer's melodramatic brooding might fit right into the Twilight universe.

    I would argue the Tupac of South America is quite pre-modern. But possibly you are from the future and know better.

    Probably just trying to get in Gibson's good graces for more casting shenanigans in Django Unchained.

    I dunno. The only one on his Top Eleven that strikes me as completely indefensible is The Three Musketeers. I haven't seen a couple of the others and don't agree with all his choices, but I think it's a pretty good list.

    Way to breathe, no-breath!

    I see you've played knifey-spooney before!

    Way more. I fell in love just reading it.

    That's the same episode. And a hilarious line.

    Trilobiter's case is almost annoyingly reasonable, but this is a really good counter. I could list dozens and dozens of songs I first encountered as part of a commercial for Whoppers. I can't hear Buddy Holly's "It's So Easy" without hearing the lyrics I first heard for that tune: "It's so easy to buy a Foooo-ord!"

    Wait, Shane Black is back? And doing Iron Man 3? This sounds like it could be genuinely awesome. Witty action movies are the thing that Shane Black does.

    The Rundown was shockingly entertaining, too. And it also had the Rock.

    Axually? Quit pretending like you don't already know all about the jetpacks and the bubble-cities, visitor from the 31st century.


    Please stop this. Both of you. And anyone else who's thinking of doing this. This isn't the place.

    @avclub-3c10b3ad8f1ed39cca3212b7dca0b6ec:disqus : in my experience, Catch-22 is one of those books that either resonates very strongly or leaves you highly skeptical of the work and frowning at whoever recommended it to you.

    Is this a joke I don't get? This is a yearly feature, dum-dum.

    @avclub-b030afbb3a8af8fb0759241c97466ee4:disqus : Thanks for making it impossible for me to go on record stating Weiland's first solo album is good. Because it is.

    I will second the love for First Class. It wasn't just my low expectations, either. It's a good movie.

    Dunno how your tastes lean or what you've seen, but there was a good batch of mainstream stuff this year: Captain America, Hugo, Mission: Impossible, The Fighter, Moneyball, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Source Code, Super 8, 50/50, The Descendants, X-Men: First Class. All good to great. EDIT: Also Red State, though

    Your logic is bullshit, @avclub-26269d202b467e8f2e743b060a9fe685:disqus . It assumes a Simpsons fan will instantly recognize the precise instant the show becomes bad and quit watching from that moment on.