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    I was living in the city at the time and watched everything after the second plane hit from the streets. (Including the burning and collapse of Building 7. FYI, @avclub-404bfdece06f0fc5ba56bef1e19d8896:disqus , there weren't any explosions there.) It was the most terrifying thing I've seen.

    Sadly, I spent far too much of my early teens being brainwashed by Demolition Man to ever think ill of Sandra Bullock.

    "You rock." Because there is a rock. What's so nauseating about that?

    Dell dude was a bit earlier. I want to say like 2002. Dude must have been pretty desperate to be reduced to the "Smoke, smoke, smoke" crew cruising around the park considering 80% of the student body is high at all times.

    Totally on the money. Additionally, both sequels interrupt themselves for dazzlingly choreographed setpieces every 15 minutes.

    I have only been an area resident for two winters, so take that with a grain of salt, but it can be torrential in the cold months. Like actual torrents of water gushing down the hills, sometimes for days on end. We get like 12 inches of rain annually and I swear it all comes at once.

    They're bright red with two buttons over the ass and it's the dress code for everyone west of the Mississip'. What would we say?

    Fuck video. I've already got a fiancee to not pay attention to, I don't need to be ignoring my websites too.


    I dunno, I think this year had a lot of good-to-great wide releases, too. Consider:

    Quick! Top five reasons EvelKareebel sucks worse than The Kinky Wizards! Wait, they're all the same: he's wrong.

    Agree completely.

    It's a pelican. Pelicans pretty much spend all day falling into the ocean. Hell, I can get you a shot of a pelican falling into the ocean by 3 o'clock this afternoon.

    I can see that, though I think it's far from open-and-shut. I can't decide if that uncertainty makes it more or less interesting.

    Bears spend all day sliding up and down trees. Does he have to draw you a fucking map??

    I just rewatched Observe and Report with this specific interpretation in mind, and I didn't see any particular evidence to support that theory. What makes you think it's true?

    More like Boo Year's Eve!

    51 minutes after the first post…

    This Conan was very much in line with Howard's original character—lots of trickery, stealing, etc. They got that right, and clearly respected the source material.

    Way more benevolent than in the movie, yes, but still kind of disquieting, if only in extrapolation. Having to earn your vote through military service means a disproportionate number of voters will be those who're naturally inclined to serve in the military. That inclination isn't a bad thing on its own, but given the