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    This is a good point. On top of that, I think Twilight fans specifically catch flak because so many of them (supposedly) fall into easily hateable female stereotypes: dumb teenage girls, fat chicks, pathetic moms who care more about Jacob's abs than their own children, etc.

    Well, this isn't from one of the core reviewers. As the site keeps expanding, more and more of it is written by people whose opinions I don't trust.

    Well, his mom just kind of gave up for about eight months there in the middle.

    Sweet condescension in that headline, guys. "Okay, kids, we've indulged you, you've had your fun, but now it's time to settle down. No, I'm not upset with you. But being angry about sparkly vampires—well, it's a little childish, frankly, and I think if you sit down and think about it for a moment, you'll see I'm

    Yup. This is why Marah's premise is not only boring (Hey, guys, sometimes it's okay to like different things), it's irrelevant. Many of us don't have a problem with the fans. We have a problem with the content.

    That stinks, because hats are much more practical for keeping the rain off than umbrellas. Especially since…

    If your entire comment is about objections to narration in any form, I'm with you. Ideological opposition to a narrative technique is like taking a moral stance against bunting.

    I can see how the rules of rules don't apply to certain movies. And even though I don't totally buy it, I like Whovian's point up there about how Scott Pilgrim is deliberately video gamey in its rules.

    True understanding of Mario 3 stems from pursuit of the samurai ideal. Do not attempt to anticipate the red koopa's movements—cultivate zanshin, and strike accordingly. The use of a tanooki suit is never wrong, because these are living things, too, and when faced with battle, must one day die.

    While it's good that the bad guys have motivations of their own, however thinly-conceived, that doesn't really have anything to do with what I'm talking about.

    I pretty much agree with all of this. I've got another problem with the movie, though, and given Tasha's recent article on this very subject, I'm extra confused about her love for Scott Pilgrim: it doesn't really have any rules.

    If denying civil liberties no longer clashes with the tenets of libertarianism, I politely request you change the name.

    No. No, that isn't the gimmick at all. But thinking that might say something about your own views on race.

    Don't give her too much credit. She's half tyrannosaurus.

    Don't worry, I hated it for you.

    Looks like a copycat account got banned, so rest easy knowing we'll have another 100 desperate comments by day's end.

    Point Break. Speed. The Matrix. A Scanner Darkly. Thumbsucker. My Own Private Idaho. Bill & Ted's.

    It's tomorrow. What do we do? Should it involve bombs?

    Josh, this question must be answered.

    Who is Spain?