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    Yes, but that is also part of the fun.

    If you could put down the kasha for two seconds you'd see this is clearly a joke.

    I didn't mean to imply he's all (or necessarily any) of those things. More that he falls under the umbrella of "people who can always be counted on to disagree with the hivemind no matter how much shit they take." That's why I like Teadoust, too. It keeps the place interesting.

    Yeah! And Dawn of the Dead? Not a voodoo master or a slave-mine in sight!

    I like Lobsters. Every online ecosystem needs a healthy population of contrarians, trolls, naysayers, and unprovoked insulters.

    Too bad you didn't post this in your original thread, because it clarifies your point pretty well.

    I can never decide if I love it or hate it. It's so.. punishing. I still hold a grudge against that actor. I even liked him on House, but would have had no problem if House had beaten him to death with a cane for no reason.

    Also Moon, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Source Code, Super 8, District 9, Star Trek, Cloverfield, and WALL-E.

    Everything you wrote is irrelevant because the time-economy isn't zero-sum. The rich create as much as they want. (Timberlake actually works in a time-battery manufacturing plant.) The wealthy then pay that created time to their workers—and if the workers start to have too much money, the powers that be raise prices

    That was Robert Frost, you CLOD!

    No, that makes it awesome. That's the best sentence Mickey Spillane never wrote.

    Hey, you just summed up Emmerich's career! Suddenly this movie makes much more sense to me.

    The Strangers: also terrifying

    I came here for this and don't care in the slightest if we're rehashing the Carpenter discussion because oh god. The first time I saw The Descent I was alone in my apartment in the middle of the night, and when I went out for a smoke, I did one of those things where you kind of press your back against the door and try

    I've watched The Descent with a group of people on about four different occasions. At least one person has screamed at that reveal every single time.

    That was what I heard and my interpretation of it, too.

    Sure, Cube could have afforded somewhere besides Fatburger, but the issue is why would he want to? Let's also not overlook the possibility he wanted to squirt her.

    Since I didn't click through while reading the article, your stupidity saved me several seconds of clicking. And that was awesome!

    I dunno. Carrie, Dawn of the Dead, and The Omen are the only ones I'd call obvious, and it's not like any of them are a lock for any list, the Citizen Kane of horror movies.