Anti-entourage? Sold!
Anti-entourage? Sold!
The above picture of Dexter is from the final scene, AV Clubbers placed an exceptionally large photo of Walter White that way to avoid spoiling the fact that Dexter is holding a large snowglobe of Miami and a sled with "Debra" written on it.
Can we Get Sheryl crow on here, shes 100 % pottery barn.
In Goodfellas, the term "fucko" . Love it!
Well done and quite amusing, but it doesn't work because we would have ignore all logic and common sense and pretend that Jimmy Fallon is funny.
I didnt watch this show, so What did she find out?
Okay, wonderful. You've had your movie. So…..can this group now go away forever, please?
And then…. SURPRISE! Nothing else changes.
And the angst afterwards.
This looks like shit. Er….airplane refrence.
You know what also leaks? Broken toilets.
But DAMN! She was hot in No Way Out.
Grumble grumble grumble….so many mixed emotions.
I had a similar experience with a Warren Zevon sample used to trick me into listening to a Kid Rock "song"
Poor, poor Kanye. He's made the kool-aid and now he's decided to drink the whole thing himself.
Madonna doing "Beautiful Stranger" for the Austin Powers movie was better than most Bond songs of recent memory. Although I do like The Propellerheads version of "on her majesty's secret service"
Plus there wasn't enough of a homo-erotic undertone to his character.
"Doom 2" metal was enjoyable as well, but some of the songs were ridiculous….I could hardly find the skill to listen to the end.
Whoa! Jus' bacdafucup right there!