
It shouldn't even be on this list. Shitty bad movie.

Yeah, I don't think T2 should be anywhere near the top anything of the 90's since I don't think it's a good movie. It has it's charms - some of the action scenes are very good, it has a cool villain and the SFX were groundbreaking. But it's a shitty script that shoehorns in an annoying kid (played terribly by a

Yeah, I don't think T2 should be anywhere near the top anything of the 90's since I don't think it's a good movie. It has it's charms - some of the action scenes are very good, it has a cool villain and the SFX were groundbreaking. But it's a shitty script that shoehorns in an annoying kid (played terribly by a

Isn't that pretty much every Brian DePalma film?

Isn't that pretty much every Brian DePalma film?

Does have Michelle Monoghan's tits though.

Does have Michelle Monoghan's tits though.

She is unbelievably gorgeous.

She is unbelievably gorgeous.

And I'd say Straw Dogs broke the themes down ever more than that film. Surprised no one's brought that one up yet.

And I'd say Straw Dogs broke the themes down ever more than that film. Surprised no one's brought that one up yet.

While were on the subject of Bergman, sex and violence, and intense scenes, I submit that while Persona is great, and a better film than Hour of the Wolf, the most intense fucking scene Bergman ever shot is in that latter movie.

While were on the subject of Bergman, sex and violence, and intense scenes, I submit that while Persona is great, and a better film than Hour of the Wolf, the most intense fucking scene Bergman ever shot is in that latter movie.

Yeah, same. The MTV style editing only served to make it more boring. Give me Antichrist, with its weird warped cinematography and talking foxes who eat themselves, that'll stick with me forever.

Yeah, same. The MTV style editing only served to make it more boring. Give me Antichrist, with its weird warped cinematography and talking foxes who eat themselves, that'll stick with me forever.

Yes, there are many great means of suicide to be taken from Hitchock films. Maybe take a dive off of Mount Rushmore. That'll show em.

Yes, there are many great means of suicide to be taken from Hitchock films. Maybe take a dive off of Mount Rushmore. That'll show em.

Scariest film I've ever seen by far.

Scariest film I've ever seen by far.

As long, painful, confusing and pretentious as On The Silver Globe is, it's breathtaking and, in my opinion, perhaps the most Metal film of all time.