
Knowing how this show works, my guess is they've kept him around to pop up here and there because they're setting him up as a future major character, the same way they did with Wynn, Devil and Shelby/Drew.

My favorite horror movie is The Shinning. My second favorite is Alien. To you good gentlemen, I say: bully.

Well, that settles it: I love Von Trier and yet have been putting off watching Europa for a while, but now I'm gonna do it. I love the promise of a bugfuck ending, although considering it's a Von Trier movie I don't know why I wouldn't already expect that.

Word. Every time I hear Paddy Garcia I see the bloodiest, greatest movie that Sam Peckinpah made in an alternate (and better) universe.

Let it be done:

Bushmills? That's Protestant whiskey!

Saw them in LA the last time they toured. Shane likewise forgot half the lyrics and sometimes just took a seat mid-lyric, for which Spider Stacy was always at the ready to take up, instantly. He also had an eye-patch and was wearing a maroon smoking jacket.

I think you're selling the film far too short. I put it up with the best of the decade so far, and it's far and away the best adaptation of a Wileford novel, which is saying something considering how good both Cockfighter and Miami Blues are.

I would gladly throw down for such a kickstarter. This movie is an instant cult classic that just needs the cult. As someone who loves Warburton from Seinfeld, Venture Bros and The Tick, I still say - without hesitation - this is the role I think of first when I hear his name. He is so ridiculously, gloriously out

It is not, but I cannot stress how much you need to see it. It's a masterpiece of a film, like some lost Coen Bros or Jarmusch film (which is not to take anything way from the originality of the film making on display). Warburton turns in a career best performance and the film itself deserves a Criterion release. I

You remember incorrectly sir. I've seen that movie a couple times - it's a masterpiece that deserves a Criterion release and Warburton's best role by far - and it contains neither a murder nor graphic sex scene. There are two sex scenes, neither of which are at all graphic (one of which you only see the silhouettes of

Paradise motherfuckers!

The Coen Borthers need to use Harry Dean Stanton while he's still around. I can not think of an actor alive whose entire personality just screams Coen character like his.

@thecolonelmc:disqus Well, I'm someone, and I could care less about the gimmick. I like both of the guys for what they have to say. But don't let this specific counter example affect your argument, since you seem unable to accept the existence of specific counter arguments even after asking for them.

Speaking of Boston, music and this film, I won't presume as to who's going to be on the soundtrack, but I think it may be a safe bet to assume that Slaine will be in the film.

I've seen at least three or four interviews where Tarantino brings up, not Boss Nigger, but the first Williamson western, The Legend of Nigger Charlie.

Of course you are Warren Oates. You're one of the good ones.

@Nudeviking:disqus Duly noted. Thank you for the recommendation. When the revolution comes, you shall be spared.

No, but that reminds me of my second New Years resolution: learn to play an instrument.

My New Years resolution is to stop talking about starting a race war, and actually roll up my sleeves and get it done.