
Yeah, considering each of their politics…I don't see that working out well.

Stranger than Fiction is a lousy, lousy film. It's a comedy without any jokes, and a drama where nothing dramatic happens. It's has clever conceit that it does absolutely nothing with, and a crappy end message (hey writer's: cop out on your ending). It's filled with what a previous AV Club inventory dubbed 'The

Stranger than Fiction is a lousy, lousy film. It's a comedy without any jokes, and a drama where nothing dramatic happens. It's has clever conceit that it does absolutely nothing with, and a crappy end message (hey writer's: cop out on your ending). It's filled with what a previous AV Club inventory dubbed 'The

So you're happy it's going to be bland and annoying, rather than pretty and annoying?

So you're happy it's going to be bland and annoying, rather than pretty and annoying?

Slight disagreement: Swearingen start off as villain and turns into a hero so subtly that even he doesn't realize it.

Slight disagreement: Swearingen start off as villain and turns into a hero so subtly that even he doesn't realize it.

Never watched Heroes, but this is one of the great things about Justified (which honestly has more in common with superhero stories than other cops shows): no matter how beloved a villain, once they reach their natural conclusion, there gone. Of course, there are a few villains that haven't reached that point yet, but

Never watched Heroes, but this is one of the great things about Justified (which honestly has more in common with superhero stories than other cops shows): no matter how beloved a villain, once they reach their natural conclusion, there gone. Of course, there are a few villains that haven't reached that point yet, but

Oh hell no. His showdowns with Hearst were eclipsed by Swearingen's, but they were amazing none the less. Bullock pulling him by the ear, his "Can't shut up! Every bully I've ever known can't shut his FUCKING MOUTH…except when he's scared," and his final confrontation with Hearst, where he stands up to him, but then

Oh hell no. His showdowns with Hearst were eclipsed by Swearingen's, but they were amazing none the less. Bullock pulling him by the ear, his "Can't shut up! Every bully I've ever known can't shut his FUCKING MOUTH…except when he's scared," and his final confrontation with Hearst, where he stands up to him, but then

No no no. The final reveal will be that everything that has happened has been at the behest of the true puppetmaster: Walt Jr's. rarely seen, often spoken of friend… Louis!

No no no. The final reveal will be that everything that has happened has been at the behest of the true puppetmaster: Walt Jr's. rarely seen, often spoken of friend… Louis!



He's already in the midst of turning into Oliver Reed in real life. That he's in Man with the Iron Fists shows that he's in the phase that Reed had where he made a bunch of B-films. This by the way, is a good thing.

He's already in the midst of turning into Oliver Reed in real life. That he's in Man with the Iron Fists shows that he's in the phase that Reed had where he made a bunch of B-films. This by the way, is a good thing.

Hey man, the Newsroom has TWO black background characters and one Indian. That the two black background characters have spent most of their combined minute of scream time bitching at each other about Obama is in no way stereotyping them. Because they're smart, so, you know, they can't be stereotypes.

Hey man, the Newsroom has TWO black background characters and one Indian. That the two black background characters have spent most of their combined minute of scream time bitching at each other about Obama is in no way stereotyping them. Because they're smart, so, you know, they can't be stereotypes.

The speech that (awesome) parody is based on is still not only the best thing Sorkin has written (and I think it's important to note that the guy giving it is a villain), but part of the best movie that Sorkin has ever written. Of course, one of the things that makes the script for Malice so fucking good is that it's